作者:distrowatch 来自:distrowatch
--> Henry Jensen has announced the release of
Linux 0.7, an independently developed distribution designed to run on very old computer systems (those with a minimum of 8 MB of RAM): "I am proud to announce the release of DeLi (Desktop Light) Linux 0.7. DeLi Linux is a distribution made for old hardware. Machines from i386 to Pentium I with 8 to 32 MB RAM are considered as target systems. DeLi Linux uses lightweight software whereever it is possible. Nevertheless, it also provides a graphical desktop with an office package, web browser, e-mail client, PDF viewer and games. The most important changes: based on uClibc 0.9.28; kernel; a 'stripped-down' X.Org 7.1; a BSD-like ports system (borrowed from CRUX).“More information can be found in the
release announcement
and on the project's
home page
. Download:
DeLi Linux是一份为老旧计算机而准备的Linux发行,这包括486到奔腾MMX 166或类似档次。它以桌面应用为中心。DeLi Linux包括了邮件客户端、一份图形界面的web浏览器,一套办公软件(包括字处理器和电子制表软件等)。一次完整的安装,包括XFree86和开发工具,总共只需要不到300M的硬盘空间。
[ 本帖最后由 严寒 于 2006-9-19 00:57 编辑 ]