1. Download the VMD for linux code form http://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Development/Download/download.cgi 2. Extracting the VMD source. This will produce a subdirectory named vmd-1.8.6. Thus, cd there.
3. ./configure LINUX.
4. cd src.
5. sudo make Install
6. But before using the VMD, Please do this : sudo apt-get install csh.
beainm 于 2008-10-10 20:58:53发表:
1. Download the VMD for linux code form http://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Development/Download/download.cgi
2. Extracting the VMD source. This will produce a subdirectory named vmd-1.8.6. Thus, cd there.
3. ./configure LINUX.
4. cd src.
5. sudo make Install
6. But before using the VMD, Please do this : sudo apt-get install csh.