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// A simple example of inheritance.

// Create a superclass.
class A {
int i, j;

void showij() { System.out.println("i and j: " + i + " " + j); }}

// Create a subclass by extending class A.
class B extends A {
int k;

void showk() {

System.out.println("k: " + k); } void sum() {

System.out.println("i+j+k: " + (i+j+k));

class SimpleInheritance {

public static void main(String args[]) {
A superOb = new A();
B subOb = new B();

// The superclass may be used by itself. superOb.i = 10; superOb.j = 20;
System.out.println("Contents of superOb: "); superOb.showij(); System.out.println();

/* The subclass has access to all public members of

its superclass. */ subOb.i = 7; subOb.j = 8; subOb.k = 9; System.out.println("Contents of subOb: "); subOb.showij();subOb.showk(); System.out.println();

System.out.println("Sum of i, j and k in subOb:");


Contents of superOb:
i and j: 10 20

Contents of subOb:
i and j: 7 8

k: 9

Sum of i, j and k in subOb:
i+j+k: 24

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class subclass-name extends superclass-name {
// body of class

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8.1.1 ³ÉÔ±µÄ·ÃÎʺͼ̳Ð
¾¡¹Ü×ÓÀà°üÀ¨³¬ÀàµÄËùÓгÉÔ±£¬Ëü²»ÄÜ·ÃÎʳ¬ÀàÖб»ÉùÃ÷³Éprivate µÄ³ÉÔ±¡£ÀýÈ磬¿¼ÂÇÏÂÃæ¼òµ¥µÄÀà²ã´Î½á¹¹£º

/* In a class hierarchy, private members remain private to their class.

This program contains an error and will not

// Create a superclass.

class A {int i; // public by default private int j; // private to A

void setij(int x, int y) { i = x; j = y;


// A's j is not accessible here.

class B extends A { int total; void sum() {

total = i + j; // ERROR, j is not accessible here

class Access {
public static void main(String args[]) {
B subOb = new B();

subOb.setij(10, 12);

System.out.println("Total is " + subOb.total);

¸Ã³ÌÐò²»»á±àÒ룬ÒòΪBÖÐsum( ) ·½·¨ÄÚ²¿¶ÔjµÄÒýÓÃÊDz»ºÏ·¨µÄ¡£¼ÈÈ»j±»ÉùÃ÷³Éprivate£¬ËüÖ»Äܱ»Ëü×Ô¼ºÀàÖеÄÆäËû³ÉÔ±·ÃÎÊ¡£×ÓÀàûȨ·ÃÎÊËü¡£

×¢Ò⣺һ¸ö±»¶¨Òå³Éprivate µÄÀà³ÉԱΪ´ËÀà˽ÓУ¬Ëü²»Äܱ»¸ÃÀàÍâµÄËùÓдúÂë·ÃÎÊ£¬°üÀ¨×ÓÀà¡£

8.1.2 ¸üʵ¼ÊµÄÀý×Ó
ÈÃÎÒÃÇ¿´Ò»¸ö¸üʵ¼ÊµÄÀý×Ó£¬¸ÃÀý×ÓÓÐÖúÓÚ²ûÊö¼Ì³ÐµÄ×÷Óá£ÕâÀǰÃæÕ½ڸĽøµÄBoxÀàµÄ×îºó°æ±¾½«±»À©Õ¹¡£Ëü°üÀ¨µÚËijÉÔ±ÃûΪweight ¡£ÕâÑù£¬ÐµÄÀཫ°üº¬Ò»¸öºÐ×ӵĿí¶È¡¢¸ß¶È¡¢Éî¶ÈºÍÖØÁ¿¡£

// This program uses inheritance to extend Box.

class Box { double width; double height; double depth;
// construct clone of an object

Box(Box ob) { // pass object to constructor width = ob.width; height = ob.height; depth = ob.depth;


// constructor used when all dimensions specified

Box(double w, double h, double d) { width = w; height = h; depth = d;


// constructor used when no dimensions specified

Box() { width = -1; // use -1 to indicate height = -1; // an uninitialized depth = -1; // box


// constructor used when cube is created Box(double len) { width = height = depth = len; }

// compute and return volume double volume() { return width * height * depth; }}

// Here, Box is extended to include weight.class BoxWeight extends Box {double weight; // weight of box

// constructor for BoxWeight

BoxWeight(double w, double h, double d, double m) { width = w; height = h; depth = d; weight = m;

}}class DemoBoxWeight {

public static void main(String args[]) { BoxWeight mybox1 = new BoxWeight(10, 20, 15, 34.3); BoxWeight mybox2 = new BoxWeight(2, 3, 4, 0.076); double vol;

vol = mybox1.volume(); System.out.println("Volume of mybox1 is " + vol); System.out.println("Weight of mybox1 is " + mybox1.weight); System.out.println();

vol = mybox2.volume(); System.out.println("Volume of mybox2 is " + vol); System.out.println("Weight of mybox2 is " + mybox2.weight);



Volume of mybox1 is 3000.0
Weight of mybox1 is 34.3

Volume of mybox2 is 24.0
Weight of mybox2 is 0.076

BoxWeight ¼Ì³ÐÁËBox µÄËùÓÐÌØÕ÷²¢Îª×Ô¼ºÔöÌíÁËÒ»¸öweight ³ÉÔ±¡£Ã»ÓбØÒªÈÃBoxWeight ÖØд´½¨Box ÖеÄËùÓÐÌØÕ÷¡£ÎªÂú×ãÐèÒªÎÒÃÇÖ»ÒªÀ©Õ¹Box¾Í¿ÉÒÔÁË¡£


// Here, Box is extended to include color.
class ColorBox extends Box {
int color; // color of box

ColorBox(double w, double h, double d, int c) { width = w; height = h; depth = d; color = c;



8.1.3 ³¬Àà±äÁ¿¿ÉÒÔÒýÓÃ×ÓÀà¶ÔÏó

class RefDemo {

public static void main(String args[]) { BoxWeight weightbox = new BoxWeight(3, 5, 7, 8.37); Box plainbox = new Box(); double vol;

vol = weightbox.volume(); System.out.println("Volume of weightbox is " + vol); System.out.println("Weight of weightbox is " +

weightbox.weight); System.out.println();
// assign BoxWeight reference to Box reference

plainbox = weightbox;

vol = plainbox.volume(); // OK, volume() defined in Box

System.out.println("Volume of plainbox is " + vol);

/* The following statement is invalid because plainbox does not define a weight member. */ // System.out.println("Weight of plainbox is " + plainbox.weight); }}

ÕâÀweightbox ÊÇBoxWeight ¶ÔÏóµÄÒ»¸öÒýÓã¬plainbox ÊÇBox¶ÔÏóµÄÒ»¸öÒýÓ᣼ÈÈ»BoxWeight ÊÇBoxµÄÒ»¸ö×ÓÀ࣬ÔÊÐíÓÃÒ»¸öweightbox ¶ÔÏóµÄÒýÓøøplainbox ¸³Öµ¡£

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