Covers the bases, from configuring your desktop, customizing your system, and accessing software repositories to handling files and directories, managing devices and servers, and sharing system resources. This title includes coverage of Fedora 7's device and network autoconfiguration, IPv6 and .NET support and SE Linux.
This is the Definitive Linux Resource - fully updated and expanded. Get full details on the powerful features of Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Fedora 7 from this fully revised, one-stop guide. Linux expert Richard Petersen covers all the bases, from configuring your desktop, customizing your system, and accessing software repositories to handling files and directories, managing devices and servers, and sharing system resources. Inside, you'll get in-depth coverage of Fedora 7's device and network autoconfiguration, IPv6 and .NET support, SE Linux, software repository installs, custom distribution spins, and system administration tools. You'll learn how to deploy sound security measures, configure automatic device detection, set up logical volumes for file management, and create your own Fedora distribution using your favorite software.This work shows you how to: install, use, secure, and manage Red Hat Enterprise Linux and the new Fedora 7; configure services using Fedora administration tools for network access, software updates, and file management (LVM and GFS2); manage users, services, file systems, hotplug devices, and printers; deploy powerful desktop, office, database, graphics, multimedia, e-mail, Web, and FTP applications; optimize security with IPsec, SE Linux, Kerberos, and Netfilter; maintain FTP, Web, mail, DNS, proxy, print, news, and database servers; administer system resources using GRUB, Yum, HAL, MONO, and udev; select, download, and install a Fedora distribution spin Auto-configure IPv6, DHCPv6, and DHCP networks; and, access remote files and printers with NFS, GFS2, and SAMBA.
Table of Contents
Part I: Getting Started Chapter
1: Introduction to Red Hat and Fedora LinuxChapter
2: Installing Fedora Chapter
3: Interface Basics: Login, Desktop, Help Repositories, Multimedia, and SpinsChapter
4: System Configuration: Pirut and Pup Chapter
5: Network ConfigurationPart II: Environments Chapter
6: GNOME Chapter
7: The K Desktop Environment: KDE Chapter
8: The ShellChapter
9: Shell Configuration Chapter
10: Managing Linux Files and Directories Part III: Applications Chapter
11: Office and Database Applications Chapter
12: Graphics Tools and Multimedia Chapter
13: Mail and News Clients Chapter
14: Web, FTP, and Java Clients Chapter
15: Network ToolsPart IV: Security Chapter
16: Encryption, Integrity Checks, and Signatures: GNU Privacy Guard Chapter
17: Security Enhanced Linux: SELinux Chapter
18: Internet Protocol Security: IPsec Chapter
19: Secure Shell and Kerberos Chapter
20: Network Firewalls: Netfilter Part V: Red Hat and Fedora ServersChapter
21: Managing Services Chapter
22: FTP Servers Chapter
23: Web Servers: Apache Chapter
24: Proxy Server: Squid Chapter
25: Mail Servers: SMTP, POP, and IMAP Chapter
26: Print, News, and Database Servers: CUPS, INN, and MySQLPart VI: System Administration Chapter
27: Basic System AdministrationChapter
28: Managing UsersChapter
29: Software Management Chapter
30: File System ManagementChapter
31: RAID and LVMChapter
32: Devices and Modules: udev, HAL, and MAKEDEVChapter
33: Kernel Administration: VirtualizationChapter
34: Backup Management: rsync, Amanda, and dump/restorePart VII: Network AdministrationChapter
35: Administering TCP/IP NetworksChapter
36: Domain Name SystemChapter
37: Network Autoconfiguration: IPv
6, DHCPv
6, and DHCPChapter
38: NFS, NIS, and GFSChapter
39: SambaINDEX
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[ 本帖最后由 ntenance 于 2007-12-1 22:40 编辑 ]
chen59326 于 2014-03-06 09:51:20发表:
抽烟的鱼 于 2007-12-15 11:24:17发表:
sycheng 于 2007-12-15 11:08:31发表:
jerry007 于 2007-12-15 09:35:12发表:
shuiyunjianlw 于 2007-12-13 12:38:22发表:
jingxiang 于 2007-12-03 21:44:00发表: