

发布时间:2007-11-04 21:40:27来源:红联作者:vsdotegnu
  在中国大陆,Linux常常被初学者们、笔误者们误写作Lunix,同时在读音发面也有一定的误差,本文的目的就是根据发音上纠正这个发音错误,“Linux”这个单词根据Linus Torvalds本人的大致发音应该是“哩呐克斯”音标是 ['li:nэks] 重音在“哩”上;如果看Lunix,很容易被误读为 ['li:njuks],即“哩纽克斯”;而错误的写法Lunix更容易叫人误解为['lju:niks],不过这样的发音显然是错误的……

  中国关于Linux发音的看大: 在中国大陆,Linux常常被初学者们、笔误者们误写作Lunix,甚至很多Linux高手也操着一个错误的读法,为了避免新人们“继承”此等错误,本文就根据Linux的音标以及Linus Torvalds本人的读法,来纠正这个发音错误,“Linux”这个单词根据Linus Torvalds本人的发音“哩呐克斯”音标为 ['li:nэks]的基础上对外公布的,重音在“哩”上;如果只从字面上看Linix,很容易被误读为 ['lju:niks],即“哩纽克斯”,不过这样的发音显然是错误的。

  上面的说法来自红旗Linux技术支持部及一个从事网络安全工作多年的朋友。 推荐大家按照['li:nэks]这个音标读。

  录音内容为:"Hello, this is Linus Torvalds, and I pronounce Linux as Linux!" 广大网友们可以下载试听一下,希望能够纠正你从大虾们那里继承来的错误。国外一些朋友对Linux读音的看法: Pronunciation of ‘Linux’

  The various ways to pronounce Linux are shown below using English letters in a phonetic way, and using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). You will need a font containing IPA characters for the display to be correct. Some versions of Internet Explorer have problems displaying IPA characters, even when an appropriate font is installed (other browsers, such as Mozilla, don’t have this problem). Many websites explain the sounds of the IPA, but the best explanations are found in the Handbook Of The International Phonetic Association:

  Handbook Of The International Phonetic Association at Amazon.com
  Handbook Of The International Phonetic Association at Amazon.co.uk (for British readers)

  Here are the three most common answers given to the question ‘how do you pronounce Linux?’:

  /ˈlɪːnɤks/ (‘leenooks’)

  This is Linus Torvalds’ original pronunciation, based on the pronunciation of his name in Swedish. It's rarely used by those who speak English as a first language, as it doesn't seem very ‘natural’ to them. There are audio files (in various formats) of Linus Torvalds saying ‘Linux’ at Paul Sladen's website.

  /ˈlɪnʌks/ (‘linnuks’)

  This is now Linus Torvalds’ preferred pronunciation, as he considers /ɪ/ closer to the original /ɪː/ than /aɪ/. It also follows the pronunciation of the English word ‘linen’. There is an audio file (in wav format) of me pronouncing ‘Linux’ this way.

  /ˈlaɪnʌks/ (‘lynuks’)

  The other major alternative is based on the pronunciation of the English version of ‘Linus’. It also happens to be the version I use. There is an audio file (in wav format) of me saying ‘Linux’.

共有 1 条评论

  1. dustysky1989 于 2007-11-04 21:56:41发表:
