要在Fedora6下挂载一个200G的硬盘。但上面却有NFTS格式和fat 格式的file system。
WARNING: Deficient Linux kernel detected. Some driver features are
not available (swap file on NTFS, boot from NTFS by LILO), and
unmount is not safe unless it's made sure the ntfs-3g process
naturally terminates after calling 'umount'. If you wish this
message to disappear then you should upgrade to at least kernel
version 2.6.20, or request help from your distribution to fix
the kernel problem. The below web page has more information:
First: installing
yum -y install yum install fuse fuse-libs ntfs-3g ntfsprogs ntfsprogs-gnomevfs
从Fedora Extras下载fuse,fuse-libs和ntfs-3g(ntfsprogs和ntfsprogs-gnomevfs可选)
安装:rpm -ivh fuse* ntfs*
Second: setting
In the /etc/udev/rules.d/50-udev.rules replace this line:
SUBSYSTEM=="block", GROUP="disk", MODE="0640"
with the following line:
SUBSYSTEM=="block", GROUP="disk", MODE="0660"
Add the user to the disk and fuse group:
usermod -g disk,fuse username(e.g root)
Change permissions of the directory where you want to mount the NTFS partition
chmod 777 /mnt/hdd
Add this line to /etc/fstab:
/dev/hdd1 /mnt/hdd ntfs-3g
dmask=022,fmask=133,noauto,locale=hu_HU.UTF-8,user 0 0
If you want to allow other users to access the mounted NTFS partitions, not only the user who mounted it, run this command:
echo user_allow_other >> /etc/fuse.conf
rm -f /usr/share/hal/fdi/policy/10osvendor/99-redhat-storage-policy-fixed-drives.fdi
do this before u make a backup
---cp /usr/share/hal/fdi/policy/10osvendor/99-redhat-storage-policy-fixed-drives.fdi
还有其它的方法,不过太烦了。我就不试了。最后记得upgrade your kernel。
657129880@qq.co 于 2013-04-26 17:02:59发表:
657129880@qq.co 于 2013-04-26 17:02:56发表:
657129880@qq.co 于 2013-04-26 17:02:55发表: