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root(hd0,0) 提示文件类型是ext2fs,parition type 0x83,Error 18:Selected cylinder exceeds maximum supported by BIOS
Setup (hd0) 提示:
check if "/boot/grub/stage1" exists ..no
check if "/grub/stage1" exists ..no
Error 18:Selected cylinder exceeds maximum supported by BIOS
经过问一朋友得知:Usually older bioses can't boot from partitions that exceed a certain limit. (Most common is at ~8.5GB) If you find an upgrade to your bios that removes this limit, you can use it. Otherwise you need to create a small(er) root or /boot partition in the beginning of you drive. If you can't find a bios upgrade that helps, easiest thing to do is to reinstall and use manual partitioning to create a root smaller than 8.5GB (my root is ~5GB), a swap partition and use the rest for /home.
我装的服务器板子的BIOS是whizpro ,硬盘160G,对硬盘的分区是:boot 1G,swap 1G,/ 50G,/usr/local 50G,var 50G ;又重新装系统把硬盘boot分区改为100M,结果能顺利进入系统。
分区:建议将交换分区(swap)的大小设置为内存的两倍;要知道当前安装引导的版本,因为早期引导版本对硬盘大小有限制,如果安装引导到1023磁道以外即8G的空间以外,引导就无法启动。 但一些BIOS较老的机器,LINUX仍然无法突破1024磁道的限制,因此这些BIOS无法认出大于1024的硬盘空间。
Advanced 于 2007-09-05 23:02:52发表:
boot 1G
这的确是错的分法,就算是redhat linux9要分/boot,最多也就分100M,分多也没用的