React v16.3.0-alpha.2 发布了。主要更新内容如下:
React[list][*]Add Fragment as named export to React. (@clemmy in #10783)
[*]Support experimental Call/Return types in React.Children utilities. (@MatteoVH in #11422)
[/list]React DOM[list][*]Fix radio buttons not getting checked when using multiple lists of radios. (@landvibe in #11227)
[*]Fix radio buttons not receiving the onChange event in some cases. (@jquense in #11028)
[/list]React Test Renderer[list][*]Fix setState() callback firing too early when called from componentWillMount. (@accordeiro in #11507)
[/list]React Reconciler[list][*]Expose react-reconciler/reflection with utilities useful to custom renderers. (@rivenhk in #11683)
[/list]Internal Changes[list][*]Many tests were rewritten against the public API. Big thanks to everyone who contributed!