
Android Studio 3.1 RC 2发布,Bug修复

发布时间:2018-03-14 09:22:12来源:红联作者:baihuo
Android Studio 3.1 RC 2 和 Android Studio 3.2 Canary 6 发布了。两个版本都主要修复了存在的 Bug,主要更新内容如下:

Android Studio 3.1 RC 2

Action search breaks when APK plugin disabled.

D8 desugaring fails with Espresso 3.0.2-alpha1

Can't build w/ 3.1 beta 1 or 2 - Could not get unknown property 'manifestFile' for task

Lint is detecting a "CheckResult" issue when using lambdas in Kotlin

"Run->Run App" quits right after Gradle (trying to) build without messages or launching app.

Android Studio 3.2 Canary 6

Wrong tips "super call" with Kotlin plugin.

Bug: preview still shown when closing layout editor

Lint flags REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES as "Only granted to system apps" even though it it required

False positive test with a misconfigured test layout xml

Incorrect warning for VisibleForTesting using kotlin's file scope




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