
CakePHP 3.6.0-beta2发布,PHP开发框架

发布时间:2018-03-13 09:11:15来源:红联作者:baihuo
CakePHP 3.6.0-beta2 已发布。3.6.0-beta2 是 CakePHP 3.6 系列的第二个 beta 版,带来了一些重要的新特性,详情请查看 3.6 迁移指南。更新内容:

Cake\Console\CommandFactory was added to allow applications to customize how command classes are built.

Cake\Database\Type\BatchCastingInterface was added. This interface allows type classes to optimize casting operations by operating on all columns in bulk. This interface can be used in custom types now, and will be used in core types in 4.x.

RoutingMiddleware can now cache application route collections providing significant improvements to application boot times.

Cake\ORM\Query::selectAllExcept() was added.

cake plugin unload and cake plugin load have been updated to modify the Application class.

Validator::add() now uses the rule name as the method if no method is provided.

TimestampBehavior no longer emits errors when columns are missing.

Plugin shells/commands are no longer auto-discovered by the Application. Instead plugin commands are discovered/added by the respective plugin class.

Console helpers can now live in App\Command\Helper.




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