Android Studio 3.1 首个候选版 RC 1 和 Android Studio 3.2 Canary 5 已发布,两者都是修复了一些公开的 issue。
Android Studio 3.1 RC 1
AS 3.1 Beta 2, UnsupportedOperationException: why generate DataBindingXmlReferenceContributor$2.getReferencesByElement
Removed jars in Desugar classpath
Android Studio 3.2 Canary 5
Unable to import an SVG file with fractional dimensions
Removed jars in Desugar classpath
Remove timestamps from AARs
Request: sort attributes of views so that "layout_toRightOf"&"layout_toEndOf be together, and so layout_toLeftOf&layout_toStartOf
Add Lint Rule for Intent#setType()
Gradle project sync failed: CreateProcess error=216 on Windows 32 bits