
Apache Groovy 2.6.0-alpha-3发布,JVM动态脚本语言

发布时间:2018-03-07 09:04:29来源:红联作者:baihuo
Apache Groovy 2.6.0-alpha-3 已发布,此版本包含 18 个错误修复/改进:

Bug 修复

Type inference not working for Collections.sort()

SAM parameter type inference for explicit parameter

Smart type inference doesn't work on explicit closure params

hashCode() generated by @EqualsAndHashCode is inefficient for instances with null fields or properties

Invalid module-info.class in jar artifacts

antlr4 jar file has not been repackaged into groovy-all-2.6.0-XXX-indy.jar

Weird behavior parsing dates

IOException "Stream closed" occurred when rebuilding Apache Groovy in IntelliJ IDEA

Static analysis does not work properly when coercing Closure to FunctionInterface

It is allowed to define local variable of void type

Contents of META-INF/services/org.codehaus.groovy.source.Extensions conflict with Maven/Jisaw

'Unexpected super property set for:' when accessing super class property via super.propertyName

Closure executed multiple times even if memoized


Provide a common cache

Add DGM startsWithAny(String...) and endsWithAny(String...)

Allow rendering inline json

Support native lambda in static compilation mode

Bump asm version to 6.1-beta2

另外,Apache Groovy 2.6.0-alpha-3 需要 JDK7 +。



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