Redisson 3.6.2 和 2.11.2 已发布,两者的更新内容一样,具体如下。
Redisson PRO 性能改进,包含以下 performanceMode 值:
HIGHER_THROUGHPUT - up to 25% performance growth
LOWER_LATENCY_AUTO - up to 100% performance growth
LOWER_LATENCY_MODE_2 - up to 100% performance growth
LOWER_LATENCY_MODE_1 - up to 100% performance growth
Feature - new values added to performanceMode setting
Feature - lockAsync and unlockAsync methods added to RedissonMultiLock
Feature - RMapCache.remainTimeToLive method added
Feature - Config.addressResolverGroupFactory setting added (thanks @hai Saadon)
Improvement - UpdateMode.AFTER_REQUEST update mode optimization in tomcat session manager
Improvement - removed ByteBuf object usage during collection iteration
Fixed - Unable to send command error under heavy load using Redisson PRO
Fixed - expire, expireAt and clearExpire commands aren't implemented properly for RBloomFilter, RDelayedQueue, RFairLock, RLocalCachedMap and RPermitExpirableSemaphore object
Fixed - Redis clients duplication during discovering ip change of hostname
Fixed - tomcat session renewal in tomcat session manager
Fixed - failedAttempts setting should be applied to Slave nodes only
Redisson 是架设在 Redis 基础上的一个 Java 驻内存数据网格(In-Memory Data Grid)。充分的利用了 Redis key-value 数据库提供的一系列优势,基于 Java 实用工具包中常用接口,为使用者提供了一系列具有分布式特性的常用工具类。