SDWebImage 4.3.1 已发布,这是针对 4.3.0 的一个修复和改进版本。
SDWebImage 是非常流行的 iOS 图片加载框架,提供了一个 UIImageView 的 category 用来加载网络图片并且对网络图片的缓存进行管理,采用异步方式来下载网络图片。
[list][*]Fix that SDImageCacheQueryDataWhenInMemory should response cacheType to memory cache when the in-memory cache hit #2218
[list][*]Fix the macOS wrong minimum deployment target version to 10.9 #2206
[/list][/list]性能[list][*]Download Operation
[list][*]Decode the image in the operation level's queue instead of URLSession delegate queue #2199
[list][*]Create a subclass of NSBitmapImageRep to fix the GIF frame duration issue on macOS #2223
[/list][*]View Category
[list][*]Expose the read write to FLAnimatedImage associate to the UIImage to allow advanced feature like placeholder #2220
[list][*]Create a subclass of NSCache using a weak cache #2228
[/list][*]Download Operation
[list][*]Improvement download operation for priority and some protect #2208
[list][*]Source code (zip)
[*]Source code (tar.gz)