
Spring Cloud Stream Elmhurst.RC1/2.0.0.RC1发布

发布时间:2018-02-24 09:01:09来源:红联作者:baihuo
Spring Cloud Stream Elmhurst 的候选版 Elmhurst.RC1/2.0.0.RC1 已发布,Spring Cloud Stream Elmhurst 2.0.0.RC1 可在 Spring Milestone 仓库获取到。

发布说明包含了与 Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Spring AMQP, 以及 Spring for Apache Kafka 版本兼容性的相关信息。



Polling Source as an alternative to the event-driven message consumption.

Custom MessageConverters via @StreamMessageConverter annotation.

New Test Binder - a binder backed by Spring Integration to support testing at the level of binder destinations rather then its internal channels.

Actuator endpoints for binding control - allows one to not only see the existing bindings but to manage their lifecycle (i.e., stop/start etc)

Micrometer, micrometer, micrometer! - Metrics support is now based on Micrometer

Complete revamping of Kafka Streams binder - details to follow.


Improved and consistent Content-Type negotiation

StreamListener Infrastructure enhancements to deal with multiple destinations

Configurable RetryTemplate

Configurable Web environment - optional by default yet giving user a choice to bring reactive (Netty) or conventional (Tomcat) based on the provided boot starter.

Partitioning is now Spring configured - providing for more user flexibility when customizations around partitioning is required.

Actuator is becoming optional -

Initializer (start.spring.io) improvements - improved user experience when creating new Spring Cloud Stream applications.

其他各种增强功能和 bug 修复。

最后,开发团队表示 2.0.0.RELEASE 将会在接下来的几个星期完成,点此查看发布主页


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