Python 3.4 和 Python 3.5 系列现在已经进入仅“安全修复”模式,Python 3.4.8 和 Python 3.5.5 版本的最大改进是安全修复。另外,Python 3.4.8 只是以源代码的形式发布,没有更多的官方二进制安装程序。
Python 3.4 更新内容:
a "pathlib" module providing object-oriented filesystem paths
a standardized "enum" module
a build enhancement that will help generate introspection information for builtins
improved semantics for object finalization
adding single-dispatch generic functions to the standard library
a new C API for implementing custom memory allocators
changing file descriptors to not be inherited by default in subprocesses
Python 3.5更新内容:
improved Python zip application support
additional unpacking generalizations
"%-formatting" for bytes and bytearray objects
a new operator (@) for matrix multiplication
os.scandir(), a fast new directory traversal function
adding support for automatic retries of interrupted system calls
change StopIteration handling inside generators
the typing module, a new standard for type annotations
math.isclose(), a function for testing approximate equality
making the Windows Python launcher aware of virtual environments