Fedora 21又传来消息,可下载使用的Fedora 21 Alpha版本将在9月23日提供给用户。
Fedora 21 Alpha to release on Tuesday
Today the Fedora Engineering Steering Commitee held a “Go/No Go” meeting regarding the Fedora 21 alpha, and it was agreed that the current release candidates for Fedora 21 met the release criteria. With this decision, this means that Fedora 21 will be released on Tuesday September 23, 2014.
The Fedora 21 Alpha will be the first test release of the new 3 product Fedora.next structure that introduces Fedora Workstation, Fedora Cloud and Fedora Server.
Fedora 21将是一个重大的旅程更新版本。
Daihy2014 于 2014-11-02 20:52:51发表: