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Ubuntu 14.04 Beta版发布,正式版为期不远了

发布时间:2014-03-28 09:20:19来源:红联作者:empast
最后一个Ubuntu 14.04 Beta版发布,Ubuntu 14.04正式版即将到来。

Ubuntu 14.04 ships with Unity Control Center and Unity Settings Daemon,

Unity now uses GTK3 CSS themed window decorations,

two years after this feature was first announced (and then abandoned), Unity finally got locally integrated menus (LIM).

Unity Spread

Unity got its own lockscreen

a lot of HiDPI work:

you can now set Unity to allow minimizing applications by clicking their icons in the Unity Launcher.

"live" window resizing.

the default Ubuntu 14.04 themes (Ambiance and Radiance) no longer use window borders;

Unity global menu can now be disabled for individual applications (via Dconf for now);

the Unity launcher can be scaled down to 8px.


共有 1 条评论

  1. XCalvin 于 2014-03-28 16:41:12发表:

    Ubuntu14.04发布后,Linux Deepin 2014也就快了……