
询问 红旗LINUX在国际上的应用程度

发布时间:2009-08-17 17:41:06来源:红联作者:东方舒晗

共有 8 条评论

  1. greatesteclipse 于 2009-08-26 19:00:28发表:


  2. 网无缘 于 2009-08-26 16:14:12发表:


  3. xu_xq 于 2009-08-25 22:05:16发表:


  4. woodelf 于 2009-08-20 19:48:20发表:


  5. tianyuan008 于 2009-08-18 17:15:30发表:



  6. zzr863 于 2009-08-18 08:51:40发表:


  7. Dsucov 于 2009-08-18 00:03:46发表:


  8. tianyuan008 于 2009-08-17 23:20:46发表:

    [i=s] 本帖最后由 tianyuan008 于 2009-8-17 23:35 编辑 [/i]

    distrowatch.com 是个权威的 linux 各发行版的综述网站
    从大陆访问这个网站非常慢,但是你可以在 http://oss.lupaworld.com/ 看到 linux 排名清况。
    本周 redflag 排名第 146 位

    当前的 10 大主流发行版是: ubuntu, opensuse, fedora, debian, mandriva, mint, PCLinuxOS, SlackWare, Gentoo(Sabayon), CentOS,Arch

    distrowatch.com 排名中的 puppy 是个袖珍版本,是为小存储环境设计的,不是一个完整意义上的发行版。
    distrowatch.com 里关于这些主流发行版的介绍是:

    The bewildering choice and the ever increasing number of Linux distributions can be confusing for those who are new to Linux. This is why this page was created. It lists 10 Linux distributions (plus an honourable mention of FreeBSD, by far the most popular of all of the BSDs), which are generally considered as most widely-used by Linux users around the world. There are no figures to back it up and there are many other distributions that might suit your particular purpose better, but as a general rule, all of these are popular and have very active forums or mailing lists where you can ask questions if you get stuck. Ubuntu, Linux Mint and PCLinuxOS are considered the easiest for new users who want to get productive in Linux as soon as possible without having to master all its complexities. On the other end of the spectrum, Slackware Linux, Gentoo Linux and FreeBSD are more advanced distributions that require plenty of learning before they can be used effectively. openSUSE, Fedora, Debian GNU/Linux and Mandriva Linux can be classified as good "middle-road" distributions. CentOS is an enterprise distribution, suitable for those who prefer stability, reliability and long-term support over cutting-edge features and software.

    最适合初学者的发行版是 ubuntu , mint 和 PClinuxOS