Macpup是基于Puppy Linux的最小主义桌面Linux发行。它采用Enlightenment作为缺省窗口管理器,并提供一份类似苹果公司Mac OS X的用户界面。
Johnny Lee has announced the availability of a new development release of Macpup Opera, version 061, a Puppy-based distribution featuring the latest Enlightenment 17 desktop: "Macpup Opera 061 is based on Ttuuxxx's 4.2v2 'Deeper thought' (, a 'no Bling' version of Puppy Linux 4.2 with all of the current updates. It has D-Bus 1.2.4 compiled and installed from source and the Enlightenment 17 desktop version 0.16.999.061 compiled and installed from source with the updated version of librsvg 2.26.0. Opera 061 includes lots of the e17 extra modules like Flame, Rain, Snow and Penguins, and lots of extra shelf modules like Net, Tclock, Moon. Some of the shelf modules like CPU and Weather are unstable and may crash. Also included is the Opera 9.64 browser. GIMP 2.4.6 Xvidcap and Avidemux are included as .pets." Visit the project's home page to read the rest of the release announcement. Download: Macpup_Opera61.iso (173MB, MD5).
beyondncz 于 2009-08-02 15:58:20发表:
有也就看看 ,我可不想再装系统了。。
wangyu 于 2009-08-01 18:23:24发表:
xgbmhc 于 2009-08-01 18:03:15发表:
类Mac OS X界面一定很酷吧