
运行光盘Kongoni GNU/Linux 1.12.2

发布时间:2009-07-13 19:25:34来源:红联作者:allesgut
Kongoni GNU/Linux是基于Slackware的面向桌面的GNU/Linux发行和自启动运行光盘。其主要特性包括一份图形化安装程序,Kongoni集成设置系统(KISS),以及一份易于使用的Ports安装图形用户界面(PIG)。该发行的包管理系统,其主要的概念源自BSD ports,这包括一份直观的图形化包安装程序,它能从用户系统上的源代码进行编译安装。Kongoni的本意是修纳语中的gnu(或者说是角马),该发行只包括那些遵循自由软件基金会关于软件自由的定义的软件。

A. J. Venter has announced the availability of Kongoni GNU/Linux 1.12.2, a free African GNU/Linux distribution based on Slackware with significant inspiration from the BSD architectures: "It is my pleasure to announce that Kongoni version 1.12.2, code-named Nietzsche, has been officially released. This marks the first official and stable release of the Kongoni GNU/Linux distribution after several development releases. The most significant Kongoni feature is its source-based software installation system (known as a ports tree), a feature that originated in the BSD UNIX world and remains a popular power-users tool on present-day BSD UNIXes, Apple's Mac OS X and source based GNU/Linux distributions. Kongoni, however, is not a source-based distribution. The distribution itself is shipped as binaries which work out of the box. The ports tree is used only for installing additional software." Read the rest of the release announcement for more details.

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