Why I can not find these files such as bootsect.s,setup.s and head.s in my linux system? But in my linux system,linux source exists.i can see these files and dirs,as follow:
arch include lib net usr
block init Makefile scripts
crypto ipc mm security
drivers kabi_whitelist Module.kabi sound
fs kernel Module.symvers symsets-2.6.18-53.el5xen.tar.gz
Some one can tell me why?
brucezuo 于 2009-03-31 21:50:41发表:
我就是想看看 ,只是不明白为什么没有 ,我 用 grep 命令找了,都没有找到。
wxjeacen 于 2009-03-30 23:55:01发表:
我记得貌似在 init里面
brucezuo 于 2009-03-30 23:52:23发表:
为什么没有人关心 这个问题。
brucezuo 于 2009-03-28 22:07:09发表:
Because tonight i find my Chinese Input is missing,so I only can type in English Input.
I 'm so sorry.