Mednafen是什?碗糕? 嘿嘿,??可?害了,看看它能?嘛
Atari Lynx~??我?是什?
GameBoy (Color)~?一?
GameBoy Advance~大?
PC Engine/SuperGrafx~?於..大P也可以..???CD-ROM(哭出?)
Neo Geo Pocket(Color)~不提
WonderSwan (Color)~?台其??不?,只可惜命不?
;Enable fullscreen mode.
fs 0
;Select video driver, "opengl" or "sdl".
vdriver sdl
;Attempt to synchronize OpenGL page flips to vertical retrace period.
glvsync 0
;Fast-forwarding speed multiplier.
ffspeed 4
;Treat the fast-forward button as a toggle.
fftoggle 0
;Silence sound output when fast-forwarding.
ffnosound 0
;Auto-fire frequency.
autofirefreq 3
;Threshold for detecting a "button" press on analog axis, in percent.
analogthreshold 75
;The length of time, in milliseconds, that a button/key corresponding to a "dangerous" command like power, reset, exit, etc. must be pressed before the command is executed.
ckdelay 0
;Disable speed throttling when sound is disabled.
nothrottle 0
;Automatically save and load save states when a game is closed or loaded, respectively.
autosave 0
;Select sound driver.
sounddriver oss
;Select sound output device.
sounddevice default
;Sound volume level, in percent.
soundvol 100
;Enable sound emulation.
sound 1
;Specifies the desired size of the sound buffer, in milliseconds.
soundbufsize 1000
;Specifies the sound playback rate, in frames per second("Hz").
soundrate 22000
;Enable the help screen.
helpenabled 1

tanhitzq 于 2009-03-19 16:36:04发表:
shift+alt+1 --主机
shift+alt+2 --副机