在Debian Linux上运行VMWare,当启动一个虚拟机时,突然日志出现很多类似下面的信息:
Aug 21 12:56:11 dey kernel: rtc: lost some interrupts at 2048Hz.Aug 21 12:56:42 dey last message repeated 1528 timesAug 21 12:57:43 dey last message repeated 3050 timesAug 21 12:58:44 dey last message repeated 3050 times
应该有好的方法来修复这个。VMWare Timekeeping Manual提到对于不需要timekeeping的客户机OS
You can prevent /dev/rtc from being used. This will generally cause clocks to run slow
in any virtual machines you have that need the additional interrupts, but that may be
acceptable to you, depending on your application. To do so, add the following setting to
each virtual machine's .vmx configuration file, or add the setting globally to the host's
configuration file (/etc/vmware/config):
host.useFastClock = FALSE
把上面这一行加到/etc/vmware/config, 调用/etc/init.d/vmware restart,然后这些信息就不见了。
Update: 这里指出,你可以通过重新编译内核添加HPET_EMULATE_RTC支持来解决这个问题。