汉语词典 红联
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Industry Development, Development of the Broadcasting Industry, Development tendency




  • 产业结构升级的发展趋势是
  • 文化创意产业发展
  • 旅游产业发展趋势
  • 产业发展助推脱贫攻坚
  • 绿色产业发展规划
  • 体育产业发展趋势
  • 游戏产业的发展
  • 大健康产业发展
  • 物联网产业发展趋势
  • 成都市产业发展白皮书
  • 产业发展措施有
  • 电影产业未来发展取决于什么
  • 两会开会发展什么产业
  • 促进储能产业发展指导
  • 第二届河北省旅游产业发展大会开幕
  • 环保产业的发展
  • 高新技术产业的发展
  • 电子信息产业 发展
  • 发展节能环保产业
  • 中国文化产业的发展


  • 1: 所以,问题是水平的政策和产业发展是不相容的。

    So the question is the level of policy and industry development are incompatible .

  • 2: 人才开发与管理体制落后于产业发展需求。

    The talents" development and management system lags behind the industry development demand.

  • 3: 收集,分析并报告产业发展,市场趋势和竞争者的信息;

    Collect, analyse and report industry development, market trends and competitive companys information.

  • 4: 创意产业是一个新的产业发展方向。

    The creative industry is a new trend in industry development.

  • 5: 系统共生是实现电动汽车产业发展的基础与依据。

    Systemic symbiosis is the foundation for the development of electric vehicle industry.

  • 6: 半个世纪以来,计算机产业发展的本质就是花钱更少,成事更多。

    FOR half a century, the essence of progress in the computer industry has been to do more with less.

  • 7: 风险投资是促进高新技术产业发展的催化剂。

    Venture investment is the catalyst of the development of high technological industry.

  • 8: 南宁市的印刷企业是南宁市文化产业发展的一支重要力量。

    Printing enterprises of Nanning play an important role in its cultural industry development.

  • 9: 主题:未来平板显产业发展的兴奋点在哪里?

    Theme:What is the development excitement in future of flat panel industry?

  • 10: 这使我们国家数字电视产业发展面临着机遇和挑战。

    All of these developments bring opportunity and challenge for our DTV industry.

  • 11: 同时,媒介的产业发展需要职业经理人和企业家。

    Meanwhile, the development of media industry needs professionals and entrepreneurs .

  • 12: 标准竞争贯串于信息产业发展的整个过程。

    Competition of standards runs through the whole developing process of information industry.

  • 13: 振动问题是阻碍我国摩托车产业发展的一大障碍。

    Vibration problem is an obstacle that baffles the development of our country"s motorcycle industry.

  • 14: “三片区”分别是新城片区、教育及休闲片区、产业发展片区。

    "Three kilometer" are new town area, education and leisure area, industrial development area.

  • 15: 山区;产业发展;困境与对策。

    Mountain area; Industrial development; Predicament; counter strategy.

  • 16: 国外航天产业发展政策的研究。

    Study on Foreign Aerospace Industry Development Policy.

  • 17: 主题:技术与文化的完美融合—共铸数字媒体产业发展

    Theme: The perfect integration of technology and art-foster the development of digital media industry!

  • 18: 对中国环境产业发展政策进行了研究与分析。

    The development policy of environmental industry in China were researched.

  • 19: 产业发展、自主创新、招商引资,需要的是优良的环境。

    Industrial development, independent innovation and investment promotion all need a good environment.

  • 20: 目的:为促进我国生物医药产业发展提供参考。

    OBJECTIVE: To provide references for promoting the development of Chinese bio-pharmaceutical industry.

  • 21: 科技中介组织在促进科技进步和产业发展等方面,起着重要的纽带作用。

    Technology intermediary organization have a vital bond role in stimulating S&T progress and industries development.

  • 22: 简要分析了煤化工产业发展规划的现状。

    This paper briefly analyses the present situation coal chemical industry development plan.

  • 23: 环保产业发展的动力机制与需求分析。

    It is about the demand analysis on the environmental protection industry development.

  • 24: 你了解该产业发展方向、市场需求,具有较强的商业判断能力。

    You have a knowledge of the industry development, market demand, and own strong business judgment.

  • 25: 房地产业发展迅速,但抵押贷款的质量却不断下降。

    As the industry ramped up, the quality of the mortgages went down.

  • 26: 展望了中国彩电产业发展的前景,提出了相关的政策建议。

    Lastly, a possible perspective of Chinese color TV industry and policy direction are suggested.

  • 27: 通过对我国文化产业发展四个阶段的回顾,以期厘清其发展脉络。

    It retraces the four periods of our culture industry to make clear its development veining.

  • 28: 简要分析了中国天然气产业发展现状以及面临的严峻形势。

    Introduce briefly the development present situation and serious conditions of natural gas industry.

  • 29: 另外,农村流通产业发展落后于城市流通产业。

    Moreover, the countryside circulation industry development falls behind the city circulation industry.

  • 30: 流通产业在国民经济中的合理定位是关系流通产业发展的重大问题。

    The rational localization of circulation industry in national economy is an important issue for circulation industry development.

  • 31: 区域垄断和竞争成为港口共同的发展特征,协调两者之间的关系对于港口产业发展具有重要意义。

    Regional monopoly and competition have become common features of port development, coordination of the relationship between them has important significance for port industry development.

  • 32: 本文从产业发展和结构调整的视角分析了城市主导功能、城市功能的空间结构以及城市功能的区际协调。

    This paper analyzes the dominant city functions, the spatial structure, the regional harmony of city function from the perspective of industry development and structure adjustment.

  • 33: 这是一个难得的机会让你能走到最前端往中国葡萄酒产业发展

    It is an extraordinary opportunity for you to be at the forefront of China"s wine industry development.

  • 34: 公司应当前市场的需求,除现有的产品外,还时刻掌握产业发展趋势,积极进行产品升级,开发高品质的新产品。

    On demand of the market, in addition to the existing products, company also master industry development trend, upgrade the product actively and develop high quality new products .

  • 35: 当前中国网络游戏产业发展状况总体较好,但也存在一些问题。

    At present, Chinese online game industry development is good generally, but there is also some problems.

  • 36: 我国应以文化提升产业竞争力,并加大文化产业发展步伐,提高文化对经济发展的贡献率。

    Our country should improve its industrial competition through culture, accelerate its industry development, and enhance the contribution of culture towards economic development.

  • 37: 中国汽车产业发展政策的重点之一就是针对进口车市场的开放与限制。

    The Chinese automobile industry development policy relates to the open and limit to the importing automobile market.

  • 38: 体育资源要素结构决定了区域体育产业发展的水平。

    The structure of sports resource determines the level of regional sports industry development.

  • 39: 因此,作为知识和技术主要载体的人力资源的素质和技能就成为信息产业发展的先决条件。

    Therefore as primary carrier of the knowledge and technology, the character and ability of the human resource become the information industry develop precondition.

  • 40: 最后通过浙江省丽水市绿色食品产业发展中的两个案例,说明绿色食品产业市场风险的具体表现和规避对策。

    Finally, via two cases in green food industry development of Lishui, Zhejiang, the paper accounts for material performance and elusion measures of green food industry market risk.

  • 41: 青刈黑麦属于绿色饲料的范畴,其本身特点和我国农业发展现状决定了其产业发展必须要走产业化经营道路;

    The character of forage rye and the situation of agriculture in China determines that forage rye industry development have to find a proper way of industrialization.

  • 42: 根据新能源汽车技术的特点制定合理的技术发展路线和产业化发展战略,是我国新能源汽车产业发展的重要课题。

    How to make up reasonable technical and industry development strategy based on its own technical characteristics is an important issue for the development of our new energy automobile industry.

  • 43: 显然,不同的产业发展方式存在不同的资源配置及其利用效率,对国民经济和社会发展所起的作用也不同。

    Obviously, the different industry development modes have resource configuration and utilizing efficiency, and also different roles for national economy and society development.

  • 44: 其中信息材料的生产及加工对信息产业发展起着极为重要的作用。

    The producing and processing of information materials is playing an important role in information industry development.

  • 45: 一国的经济增长过程实质上是其产业发展和产业结构转换的过程。

    The economic growth course of one country eventually is the course that its industry development and industrial structure change.

  • 46: 影响汽车产业发展的两个最主要的因素是能源和交通问题。

    Two factors of most that affect the automobile industry development are the energy and the transportation problem.

  • 47: 黑龙江省国有林区林业产业结构的调整与优化必须依据相关理论,根据林业产业发展的特点和规律,遵循相关的经济政策进行。

    It must be on the basis of some theory, character and natural law of forest industry development and economic policy to regulate and optimize forest industry construction.

  • 48: 中国有一个很危险的倾向,就是政府在引导一个产业发展的时候,有太多的主观能动性。

    China has a very dangerous tendency, that is, the government in guiding the development of an industry, there are too many subjective initiative .

  • 49: 大型原生态歌舞集《云南映象》是近年来我国文化产业发展中最成功的案例之一。

    Reflection of Yunnan is one of the successful case in the development of cultural industry of our country recently.

  • 50: 从创新经济学的观点来看,创新又是产业发展的决定性因素。

    From the viewpoint of innovation economics, innovation is the decisive factor of the development of industry.

  • 51: 产业发展环境会进一步恶化,终端用钢企业更多地是在为高成本埋单,钢企本身也得不到看似丰厚的利润。

    Industrial development environment will further deterioration, terminal with steel enterprise more on the high cost for their bill, steel enterprises itself also not seemingly bumper profits.

  • 52: 然而,传统的比较优势理论并不足于解释北京企业和产业发展的优势与问题所在。

    But this theory is insufficient to explain the enterprises and the industrial development superiority and the problem of Beijing.

  • 53: 下篇的研究任务是探寻推动物流产业发展的基本路径及其内在运行机理。

    The task of the second part is to seek the development paths and its mechanism of logistics industry.

  • 54: 改革开放以来,中国玩具产业发展迅猛,随着行业的规模和制造企业的不断壮大,经营模式也更加多样化。

    Since the reform and opening up, China toy industry is developing rapidly, with the size of the industry and manufacturing enterprise expansion, management pattern and more diverse.

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