汉语词典 红联
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invitation code, invite code, request code, referral code




  • 六维空间邀请码
  • 1024邀请码
  • 粉象生活邀请码
  • 平安普惠邀请码
  • 决斗之城邀请码
  • 转运中国邀请码
  • 小猪短租邀请码
  • 七街八号邀请码
  • b站邀请码怎么买
  • 大微信客邀请码
  • 奶块新手邀请码
  • 皮蛋游戏邀请码
  • ao直播邀请码
  • 昔日之忆角色邀请码
  • 微夏论坛邀请码
  • xp1024邀请码
  • 缤纷生活邀请码
  • 宅男福利吧邀请码
  • 好物满仓邀请码
  • 网贷邀请码怎么获得


  • 1: 你好,可否给个炫音音乐论坛的邀请码

    How do you do, do mind dazzling tone music forum for invitation code?

  • 2: 每日邀请码发布专区、快来领取邀请吗注册吧。

    Daily invitation code release area, come to invite you register to receive it.

  • 3: 我要烟台论坛的邀请码

    I want the Yan Tai City forum invitation code.

  • 4: 求华夏土地网邀请码???

    Ask the China land net to invite a code? ? ?

  • 5: 怎么样才能获得测试的邀请码啊?

    How to test the invitation code to get ah?

  • 6: 谁有28推的邀请码的?

    Who pushed the invitation code 28?

  • 7: 您的邀请码无效。

    Your invitation code appears to be invalid.

  • 8: 你好,可以给我一个黑基论坛的邀请码么?

    Is how do you do, can give my Heiji a forum invitation stacked?

  • 9: 邀请码只有七天有效期;

    Codes only last for seven days;

  • 10: 请管理员给我一个邀请码嘛。

    I want to be invited. Thanks Administrators.

  • 11: 很高兴告诉大家,现在不再需要邀请码了。

    I am pleased to inform that invitation code is no longer needed.

  • 12: 您的邀请码无效。邀请码只有七天有效期;您的邀请码可能已经过期。

    Your invitation code appears to be invalid. Codes only last for seven days; it"s possible that yours is older.

  • 13: 现在,所有账户都可以通过邀请码“rww"免费使用。

    At the moment, all accounts are free with an invite code, and future accounts will always be available free of charge to any user.

  • 14: 她还称已经接到出书和拍摄肥胖女性真人秀的邀请,以便给大码女性增添自信。

    Simpson said she has received a book offer and wants her own reality show, partly to give plus-size women more confidence.

  • 15: 邀请他们会餐,与他们交流有关如何尽可能快地运行Java字节码的性能技巧的故事。

    Have them over to dinner, and swap stories of performance tricks on how to run Java bytecode as fast as possible.

  • 16: 最出色的队员将被邀请加入著名的海豹第六小队,该小组曾在风大浪急的海面击毙三名100码开外的索马里海盗,最近又最终击毙了本拉登。

    The best of those are invited to join SEAL Team Six, as it"s popularly known—the team that picked off three Somali pirates from 100 yards on rough seas. And the team that finally got bin Laden.

  • 17: 注:请务必填写真实信息,已确保邀请码能准时发放。

    Note: Be sure to fill in real information, have an invitation code to ensure timely payment.

  • 18: 亲爱的管理员,送给邀请码吧。

    I want to be invited. Thanks Administrators.

  • 19: 如今Trillian博客宣布Astra进入公测阶段——不再需要邀请码了。

    Now, the Trillian blog is announcing that Astra has gone public - no invite code needed.

  • 20: 请使用您的邀请码登录:88MR38 请注意:IT应聘者必须点击以上链接参加40分钟的考试。

    Your Invitation Code is: 88MR38 Reminder: IT applicants must click on the link above and take the 40-minute exam.

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