汉语词典 红联
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  • 嗯嗯嗯不要了嗯好大
  • 快穿病娇不要了
  • 啊嗯不要了好粗好涨
  • 不要了走开别射我里面
  • 爹爹好大不要了古代
  • 新兰之新一不要了快停
  • 额哈嗯不要了不要了
  • 小叔不要了太大了
  • 嗯啊大叔好痛不要了
  • 鹿晗不要了好大慢点
  • 轻点太深了不要了少爷
  • 总裁大人不要了嗯啊
  • 求求你了不要了
  • 不要了啊不要了老公
  • 嗯嗯.嗯.不要了bl
  • 不要了的表情包
  • 嗯嗯嗯 爹爹不要了
  • 求求你不要了好痛
  • 师傅不要了书包


  • 1: 杰克:现在不要了

    Jack: Not at the moment.

  • 2: 我不要了,我足够了。

    Not me. I have quite enough.

  • 3: 谢谢。现在暂时不要了

    Thanks. Not for the time being.

  • 4: 这次不要了,约翰,我要苏格兰威士忌。

    Not this time, John, I want a scotch.

  • 5: 不要了,谢谢。

    No, thanks. Nothing.

  • 6: 这些东西说了不要了,堆在这里做什么啊!

    Not to say these things, here to do what heap ah!

  • 7: 你说:和鑫有加班,你想会回来,没有加班你不要了

    YOU:Sintek overtime, you come back to think about, no overtime you do not want.

  • 8: 我的那份借给你吧,我不要了

    I lent you my loneliness, I do not need it.

  • 9: 不要了,我不喜欢吃。

    No, I don"t like it.

  • 10: 你再来一点吗?——谢谢,不要了。我已经吃很多了。

    Would you like some more ? ——No, thank you, I have had plenty.

  • 11: 我和老公觉着还是不要了

    My husband and I have decided not to have any.

  • 12: 我什么都不要了,我必须重新审视自己的生命。

    I do not have what I need to re-examine their own lives.

  • 13: 当人们看见我,他们首先想到的事就是‘哦,不要,再不要了……’。

    When people see me the first thing they think is "oh no, not again…".

  • 14: 不要了。过后我再看他想吃些什么。

    No. Afterwards I will see what he can eat.

  • 15: 不要了,谢谢你。

    No more, thank you.

  • 16: 还要吗?不,不要了,谢谢。

    Have some more? No, thank you.

  • 17: 西蒙:不要了,谢谢,海伦,你呢?

    Simon: No, thank you. What about you, Helen?

  • 18: 一谢谢,不要了,足够了。

    No, thanks. I have had plenty.

  • 19: 你也不要了

    Don"t you be, either.

  • 20: 顾客:不要了,我最近就是想吃酸的。

    Customer: No, I just want to eat sour recently.

  • 21: 谢谢,不要了,我够了。

    No, thanks, I have had enough.

  • 22: 伤心就不要了吧,都哭了还不伤心?

    Baby don"t cry, I always love you.

  • 23: 谢谢!对于我来说太多了,不要了

    Thank you! Too much for me, forget it.

  • 24: 谢谢你,还是不要了,我今天晚上开车。

    Thank you, but no, I’m driving tonight.

  • 25: 如果他们没有粉红的,那我就不要了。 。

    If they don"t have pink, I don"t want it.

  • 26: 你连机会都不要了,机会还能给你什么。

    Can you even don"t the opportunity, the opportunity to give you what.

  • 27: 顾客:不要了,我不爱吃酸的。

    Customer: No, I don"t eat sour.

  • 28: 谢谢,不要了,我不能再喝了。我还得开车回家呢。

    Thank you. I"d rather not. I have to drive home.

  • 29: 古奇:不要了,请快一点。

    Gucci: No, be quick, please!

  • 30: 谢谢,但我不要了

    Thanks. But no thanks.

  • 31: 我也喜欢。 --再来点酒喝吗? --我可不要了

    Me too. ---- Have more wine? ---- Not me.

  • 32: 他在这边的执教经历没能如他所愿般奏效,希望他能在西布朗成功吧,但显然这个周六还是不要了

    His time didn"t work out as well as he planned but hopefully it works out for him at West Brom, but not obviously on Saturday!

  • 33: “我不要了,谢谢”苹果买向前倾了倾身子,慢慢喝光他的酒然后站起身:“我是属于家庭的,家居男人,你知道的”他笑笑。

    "Not for me, thanks, " Appleby declined, finishing his more slowly and standing up. "I"m due home. Family man, you know. " He smiled.

  • 34: 看完以后眼泪湿湿的,主旨我倒是觉得不甚特别,就是“命都不要了还能怕什么”

    Sometimes when we don"t think too complicated and keep focusing, we surely end up somewhere.

  • 35: “这是大胆的,也是有点过分的东西,对不对?不要了?”我问。

    "It"s daring, but also a bit too much something, right? Do not be found?" I asked.

  • 36: 康妮:不要了,谢谢,我真得走了。

    Connie : No, thanks. I really should be going.

  • 37: “不要了,谢谢,味道很好,但我吃饱了。”你的意思是你不喜欢这些食物吗?

    "No, thanks. It was delicious, but l"ve had enough. "Do you mean you do not like the food?

  • 38: 不要了,求你停下来。你好恶心啊,怎么可以把这么臭的虫子放进你的嘴里?你可能会死的。

    Mindy: Oh, please stop it. You are disgusting. How can you put those ugly worms into your mouth? You might die.

  • 39: 我对此还耿耿于怀。哦不,不要了。我们还是回车里吧!我讨厌像鸟一样飞来飞去。

    I"m all choked up about it. Oh no! Not again! Let"s get back in the car! I"ve had enough of this making like a bird.

  • 40: 不要了,求你停下来。你好恶心啊。怎么可以把这么臭的虫子放进你的嘴里?你可能会死的。

    Oh, please stop it. You are disgusting. How can you put those ugly worms into your mouth? You might die.

  • 41: 妈妈:不要了,谢谢!我还是喜欢穿平底鞋。穿高跟鞋走路太累。那么,我还是买那双黑色的吧。

    Mother : No , thanks . I prefer flat shoes . It"s difficult to walk with high heels , Well , I"ll take those black ones.

  • 42: 伊安在自己的网站上说,等到一切拍卖后,他将离家出走,而口袋里只会装着钱包和护照,其他都不要了

    "On the day it"s all sold and settled, I intend to walk out of my front door with my wallet in one pocket and my passport in the other, nothing else at all, " Usher says on his Web site.

  • 43: “不要了,谢谢,味道很好,但我吃饱了。”你的意思是你不喜欢这些食物吗? %。

    "No, thanks. It t was delicious, but l"ve had enough. "Do you mean you do not like the food?

  • 44: 与其为你的组合花园买一些陶罐,不如问当地养殖场要一些他们不要了的。

    Instead of buying clay pots for your container garden, ask your local nursery for its unwanted plastic ones.

  • 45: 不要了,谢谢。我不希望因此而惹来任何的麻烦…(因周围女孩的嫉妒)

    Aom : It"s ok. thank you. I don"t want any trouble with many other girls around here.

  • 46: 总而言之就是:我对我的妻子不忠,我伤害了各种各样的人们。我能说的只有我道歉。为了美人江山都不要了,这位州长也许真像他自己说的“太天真”了。

    The bottom line is this: I have been unfaithful to my wife … I hurt a lot of different folks. And all I can say is that I apologize.

  • 47: 这是渔业区的一个典型景象:很多海鸟追随着渔船或其他船只,渴盼着接住船员们扔回不要了的鱼。

    It’s a typical sight in fishing areas: a trawler or other boat being followed by seabirds eager to gulp down the unwanted fish the crew throws back.

  • 48: 不要了,谢谢你。我丈夫喜欢牛排,但他不喜欢鸡。

    Mrs. brid:No, thank you. My husband likes steak, but he doesn"t like chicken.

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