声优(日语平假名:せいゆう),配音演员,与演员的区别就是可以隐于幕后,不露面,要的是语音效果。声优组织在日本多与影视部门、广告公司、政府媒体合作,多属民间组织。声优即“主に声だけで出演する俳优”的称呼,在日本相当于“配音演员”的称呼。“优”在古汉语和日语中是“演员”“表演者”的意思。声优,是用声音来表演的人,在汉语中就是“配音演员”的意思,罗马音是seiyuu,英语中称为VA(Voice actor) 。很多人误认为CV(Character Voice)是日本人对声优的简称,甚至有人认为CAST也是声优,实际上CV只用来标示作品中角色是由哪位配音员来配音的,即角色声音的意思,并不是......查看完整解释
- 妖精的尾巴声优
- 黑执事声优见面会
- lol日服声优
- 声优是什么意思
- 声优和其他不一样的是
- 狐妖小红娘声优
- 日本声优排行榜
- 声优也要去旅行
- 以下声优和其他不一样
- 网球王子声优演唱会
- 黑子的篮球声优
- 白熊咖啡厅声优
- 形容歌声优美的成语
- 形容歌声优美的句子
- 滑头鬼之孙声优
- 进击的巨人声优
- 声优鹤弘美去世
- 工藤新一的声优
- csgo脚步声优化
1: 演员声优是否在工作室看到过动画制作的进程?
Do the voice actors ever visit the studio to see the animation process?
2: 这系列在多年后又出CD!虽然主角声优都换过了。
This series has released another CD! Although the main seiyuu had been replaced.
3: 好的声优就如同一个好的插图设计师——他们让你的公司显得极度的专业。
Good voice-over artists are like good graphic designers—they make your company seem extremely professional.
4: 这就像是给卡通配音的声优。
This is like a voiceover for a cartoon character.
5: 事实上,许多声优也是实至名归的。
In fact, many seiyuu deserve this recognition.
6: 有两种截然不同的访问者类型:(1)提供配音的艺人,和(2)想要寻找声优的公司。
The site had two distinct types of visitor: (i) voice-over artists, and (ii) companies looking for voice-over artists.
7: 日本女声优的声音都是很媚惑的,仿佛要吸引男人的注意,这不是我们想要的。
All the Japanese female voice actors have voices that are very coquettish and wanting male attention, which was not what we wanted at all.
8: 目前中国就市场号召力而言,漫画家、导演和声优这三项基本都是空白,唯一还堪一战的是品牌中的故事。
Currently China has market appeal, the cartoonist, director and voice actors are basically three blank, the only war is still worthy of a brand story.
9: 声优方面,具有令人惊异的伪装演技与变声能力(笑);
As a seiyuu (voice actress), she has amazing pretending acting skill and voice-changing ability (smile).
10: 届时,全球16个国家和地区的近70位动漫行业专家、文创科技领域艺术家、日本一线声优将出席展会。
By then, 16 countries and regions, nearly 70 animation industry experts, artists, cultural and creative scientific and technological fields, the Japanese voice actors will attend the show line.
11: 演员声优是否在工作室看到过动画制作的进程?或者是严格分开的?
Do the voice actors ever visit the studio to see the animation process? Or is it very much kept as a separate process?
12: 史克威尔公司要求日版声优根据服装的不同调整战斗时的叫喊声。
In Japan, Square Enix is having Aya"s voice actress change the tone of her battle shouts and cries based off the costume.
13: 这里安置了多台电脑,孩子们可以临摹、体验动画的制作过程,或者在声优馆为喜爱的动画作品配音,并当场录制下来;
Here the placement of more than one computer, copy the children can experience the animation production process, or seiyuu Museum of favorite animated voice work, and the spot recorded;
14: 监督庵野秀明曾经对绫波的声优林原说:“绫波并非没有感情,只是不懂得。”
Supervision Hideaki Anno once told ayanami"s Shengyou Hayashibara, said: "Rei Ayanami is not without feelings, just do not know."