汉语词典 红联
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training camp, Boot Camp, Barracks, Clinic




  • cf新手训练营
  • 全封闭减肥训练营
  • 青少年成长训练营
  • 健身减肥训练营
  • de未来训练营
  • 兔玩英雄训练营视频
  • 运动减肥训练营
  • 姚明篮球训练营
  • 超强大脑训练营
  • 暑假英语训练营
  • 卡耐基口才训练营
  • 塑身减肥训练营
  • 济南篮球训练营
  • 王子公主训练营
  • 李楠篮球训练营
  • 减肥训练营团购
  • 魔鬼式减肥训练营
  • 全封闭式减肥训练营
  • 不思议迷宫古代训练营
  • 数学思维训练营


  • 1: 当训练营来临的时候我脑子里就只有篮球了。

    Once training camp came around, all I thought about was basketball.

  • 2: 我们持续追逐恐怖分子,无论他们在地球上的任何城市、训练营和山洞。

    We continue to pursue the terrorists in cities and camps and caves across the earth.

  • 3: 欢迎来到我们的疯狂英语训练营

    Welcome to our Crazy English Training Camp!

  • 4: 迪奥普说道,“我们要做的就是办更多的训练营,打越来越多的教学比赛。

    We’ve just got to do more camps and teach the game more and more.

  • 5: 小斯的眼睛在本赛季的季前的训练营就伤过。

    Stoudemire injured the same eye in training camp this season.

  • 6: 训练营提供每周四期专业辅导员的网球培训。

    The camp offers four sessions of tennis coaching each week with expert instructors.

  • 7: 我是汤姆约翰逊的妈妈。你还记得那个领袖训练营中的汤米吗?

    This is Tom Johnson"s mom. Do you remember Tommy from leadership camp?

  • 8: 下面来说说赛尔精灵训练营的任务怎么做。

    Here"s what Purcell wizard how to do the task of training camp.

  • 9: 陆军从2003年起开办这些新兵训练营,约有17,000人参加。

    The army has been running these boot camps since 2003, with approximately 17,000 participants.

  • 10: 这儿有一个小小的,简单的生活训练营帮助你开始。

    Here’s a mini, simple living boot camp to help you get started.

  • 11: 这将会是一个非常精彩,非常有竞争性的训练营

    It"s going to be a very competitive, interesting camp.

  • 12: 问:你期望你的训练营能恢复多少?

    Question: How much are you looking forward to training camp?

  • 13: 政治报,就像新兵训练营

    It was like boot camp, the Politico.

  • 14: 但是人们不喜欢训练营

    But people don"t like boot camp!

  • 15: 参加这个新手训练营,从而了解更多内容。

    Enroll in this boot camp to learn more.

  • 16: 关于夏季训练营,我正为之全心准备着。

    As for the summer training camp, I fully intend to be ready for that.

  • 17: 大家对免费参加训练营觉得怎么样?。

    How would you react to taking part in the training camp free?

  • 18: 当你一结婚,你就真真正正进入到了一个“爱情”训练营

    When you got married, you really entered a “relationship” boot camp!

  • 19: 而在中国,人们更倾向于通过军事化“训练营”戒除网瘾。

    In China, meanwhile, military-style “boot camps” are the preferred way to treat internet problems.

  • 20: 可能因为这,训练营本周有点懒散气氛。

    That may be why training camp has had a laid-back feel this week.

  • 21: 首先要说的是,恐怖训练营早已今非昔比。

    First of all, today"s terrorist training camps are not what they used to be.

  • 22: 国家队为了备战亚锦赛,在北京举行训练营

    The national squad are holding training camp in Beijing to prepare for the Asian Championship.

  • 23: 我希望能够以最佳的状态开始训练营

    I like to start training camp in great shape.

  • 24: 然后他出人意料地出现在训练营开营时的媒体日招待会。

    Then he surprisingly brushed off media day at the start of training camp.

  • 25: 像欧维斯这样的小伙子们既没有在巴勒斯坦的训练营训练,也不是为战争激进分子和间谍机构的傀儡。

    Boys like Owais neither trained in camps in Pakistan, nor are they stooges of the militants and spy agencies that have fuelled the war.

  • 26: 她说:“他4月14日离开印度,前往挪威。 然后,探险队从挪威出发,到达俄罗斯的训练营,接着,他们开始滑雪向北极进军。”

    He left India April 14 for Norway from where the team went to a Russian training camp and then they set off for the North Pole on skis, " she said.

  • 27: 但加入训练营后不久,他们发现利比亚的独裁者只是在利用他们。

    But soon after joining one of his training camps, they realized the Libyan dictator was using them.

  • 28: 火箭球员即将开往训练营,很显然,谁将出现在那里已经没有多少疑问。但问题是,虽然美好的期望不少,而要做的事情更多。

    The Rockets will head to camp expecting a lot, but there is a lot to do, too, especially now that it seems clear who will be there.

  • 29: 这一段时间,至少在训练营开幕的前夜,湖人的球员名单在或许会有所补充,但上述的轮换阵容可能是保持到最后的了。

    In the meantime, LA will add a few bodies to the roster before camp but the above rotation is probably close to final - at least for opening night.

  • 30: 她妈妈给温尼伯速度滑冰俱乐部打电话,得知那里有一个春季训练营

    Her mother called the Winnipeg Speed Skating Club and found out there was a spring training camp.

  • 31: 这个交易导致我们在比赛时只有8个人,所以我们不得不把克里斯·约翰逊(曾参加过我们的训练营)临时招入。

    It was crazy that we only had 8 for our game in Denver, so Chris Johnson (was with us during training camp) got called up and we tried to fit him in.

  • 32: 据有关人士估计,巴基斯坦境内大约有40个武装训练营

    According to some estimates, there are about 40 militant training camps around Pakistan.

  • 33: 1944年春,每个国境守备团开始增设一个训练营

    In the spring of 1944, each regiment created a training battalion.

  • 34: 国际发展与社区推广计划“篮球无国界”上周来到塞内加尔,这是首次在约翰内斯堡以外的非洲地区开办这样的训练营

    And Basketball Without Borders, the international development and community outreach program, visited Senegal last week, the first time the camp was staged in Africa outside of Johannesburg.

  • 35: 恐怖活动的避难所和训练营对我们的生命和我们的生活方式构成了威胁,它们必将被摧毁。

    The havens and training camps of terror are a threat to our lives and to our way of life, and they will be destroyed.

  • 36: 然后陆军招募人员告诉我,我可以在一周之内进入新兵训练营,而空军告诉我需要一个月的时间,那就选择陆军吧。

    The Army recruiter said I could be on my way to boot camp in a week, the Air Force said a month. The Army it was.

  • 37: 来自巴塞罗那的球探将对中国训练营的少年们进行选拔,选中的运动员将在接下来的三年时间里在巴塞罗那俱乐部交流学习。

    The youngsters will be selected by scouts from Barcelona during a training camp in China. The chosen players will stay the next three years at clubs affiliated with Barcelona.

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