VMware 6.5 安装Fedora 9、10时,在安装 VMware Tools 之前先升级下可以避免这个问题的:
#yum -y install gcc gcc-c++ kernel-devel
安装这次Fedora 14时,竟然饶不过去,还是提示。/usr/src/include....头文件不匹配的问题。
的确如此:“。vmware读取的版本,UTS_RELEASE!我们往 linux/version.h。”,但按照资料中的方法处理仍然不成功。
检查vmware读取的版本,读出的是"",我的定义是:#define UTS_RELEASE ""
我内和版本是:"",更改定义为::#define UTS_RELEASE "",重新安装。
VMware的作用不用介绍了,像 dorainm这种自己摆弄系统底层的,经常用 vmware弄个freeBSD、linux-2.4.x、linux-2.6.x之类的玩!
None of the pre-built vmmon modulesforVMware Workstation is suitableforyour running kernel.Doyou want this program to try to build the vmmon moduleforyoursystem(you need to have a C compiler installed on yoursystem)?[yes]
Using compiler"/usr/bin/gcc".Useenvironment variable CC to override.
What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running kernel?[/usr/src/linux/include]
The path"/usr/src/linux/include"isnotan existing directory.
What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running kernel?[/usr/src/linux/include] /root/sources/linux-
The directory of kernel headers(version@@VMWARE@@UTS_RELEASE)doesnotmatch your running kernel(version module were to compile successfully,it wouldnotload into the running kernel.
What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running kernel?[/usr/src/linux/include]
The directory of kernel headers(version@@VMWARE@@UTS_RELEASE)doesnotmatch your running kernel(version module were to compile successfully,it wouldnotload into the running kernel.
打开 linux/version.h 一看,内容是
#defineLINUX_VERSION_CODE 132630
2.6.22内核 = 2%26lt;%26lt;16 + 6%26lt;%26lt;8 + 22 = 2*65536 + 6*256 + 22 =132630
再次看,vmware读取的版本,UTS_RELEASE!我们往 linux/version.h 里面添加一行:
#defineLINUX_VERSION_CODE 132630
这次 vmware终于相信 dorainm提供给它的内核头文件的版本是匹配的。
dorainm现在使用的 linux系统是自己编译的,如果安装的是发行版本,应该有相关的安装内核头文件的方法,比如 RedHat/Fedora系列的 yum, debian/Ubuntu系列的 apt等
make mrproper
make oldconfig
来编译内核头文件,再就按照文中的方法,让 vmware欢快得跑起来。