
Federa 15 Gnome3下使用自定义快捷键

发布时间:2014-12-09 21:39:29来源:linux网站作者:yming0221

在Federa 15 Gnome3下compiz已经无法使用,以前使用的快捷键已经无法使用,这里可以同样设置,达到视觉效果和实用效果的双重效果。

1 设置已有快捷键

System-tools>>System Settings

2 设置截屏快捷键

补充一下:抓图Take Screenshot的参数

–window   Takes a screenshot of the window that has focus.

–delay=seconds Takes a screenshot after the specified number of seconds,and displays the Save Screenshot dialog.Use the Save Screenshot dialog to savethe screenshot.


Takes a screenshot including the border of the window.


Takes a screenshot without the border of the window.


Takes a screenshot and adds a shadow bevel effect around it.


Takes a screenshot and adds a border effect around it.


Opens a window that lets you set options before taking the screenshot.


Displays the options for the command.


–window 抓取当前激活窗口

–interactive 先显示抓图软件界面,再抓图。

–delay=2  延时2秒钟后抓取

命令:gnome-screenshot  –window  –interactive  –delay=2
