一 安装环境:
Ubuntu 版本:11.10
Kernel 版本:
二 安装Java的JDK
安装JDK命令:apt-getinstall openjdk-6-jdk
三 下载Nutch及解压安装
四 设置环境变量
问题一:当设置完环境变量后,在命令行输入”nutch”,然后回车,无法运行nutch,且出现现提示:“/home/is11/lidexin/apache-nutch-1.4-bin/runtime/local/bin/nutch:Permission denied”
解决方法:在目录“/home/is11/lidexin/apache-nutch-1.4-bin/runtime/local/bin/”下输入命令“chmod +x nutch”,然后回车。
五 建立urls目录
六 在urls目录下建立url.txt文件,并输入你想爬的网站网址。
七 编辑nutch-site.xml文件。
八 编辑regex-urlfilter.txt文件
进入到/apache-nutch-1.4-bin/runtime/local/conf目录下,修改regex-urlfilter.txtl文件,在“# accept anything else”下面输入:“+^http://([a-z0-9*\.])*”,然后保存
九 开始爬了
命令:nutch crawl urls –dir crawl –depth 3 –topN 5
此命令的意思:“We are using the nutch crawlcommand. The urlsdir is the urls directory that we added to the distributedfilesystem. (I've called it "urlsdir" to make it clearer that itisn't merely the *file* containing urls). The "-dir crawl" is theoutput directory. This will also go to the distributed filesystem. The depth is3 meaning it will only get 3 page links deep. There are other options you canspecify, see the command documentation for those options.”
回到/apache-nutch-1.4-bin/runtime/local目录下,执行“chmod +x urls”命令,回车。
重新输入命令:nutch crawl urls –dir crawl –depth 3 –topN 5