Cerebro 是扩平台(同时支持 Linux, Winsows, MacOSX) 的桌面快捷工具, 可用于执行命令, 打开应用(类似与Launch), 打开网页, 快捷翻译, 搜索. 支持插件, 有很多插件可以使用. 其功能类似与 MacOS 下的 Spotlight 和 Alfred, 以及 Linux 下 Synapse, Kupfer, Ulauncher, GNOME Do 等工具.
它被称为 productivity booster with a brain
官网: https://cerebroapp.com
GitHub: https://github.com/KELiON/cerebro
下载: https://github.com/KELiON/cerebro/releases

wget https://github.com/KELiON/cerebro/releases/download/0.2.7/cerebro_0.2.7_amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i cerebro_0.2.7_amd64.deb
默认使用Ctrl+Space来调用应用, 可以使用setting修改配置信息和快捷键


以上功能是核心功能, 可以通过安装插件的方式增加和使用其他功能或者小工具
键入plugin 可以搜索到插件, 选择插件后, 单击 install 即可安装插件.
插件 | 描述 |
Caniuse | quick access to caniuse.com database; |
Devdocs | search in dev. documentations provided by devdocs.io |
DuckDuckGo | Use DuckDuckGo as your search engine; |
Emoj |
search for relevant emoji, like emoj this is awesome ; |
Gif |
search for relevant gif, i.e. gif luck , how i met your mother gif ; |
Github | search for trending, repos or users on github; |
Google Knowledge Graph | Get info from the Google Knowledge Graph for your query; |
Hash | hash input text with popular hash algorithms (i.e. md5, sha1, etc); |
search for films on imdb.com with rating and details, like imdb star wars ; |
IP | show your local & external IP address; |
Lipsum | generate lorem ipsum text from lipsum.com; |
Shell | exec shell commands without running terminal; |
Stackoverflow | search for answers to questions on stackoverflow; |
NPM | search for NPM packages |
3.4 仅macOSX适用的插件
插件 | 描述 |
macOS Contacts | search in contacts.app; |
macOS Define | define in OSx built-in dictionary; |
macOS Eject | safely eject mounted volume drives; |
macOS System |
system commands: i.e. sleep , lock , restart , empty trash or open system directories, like trash or airdrop ; |
Kill |
kill process by name, i.e. kill cerebro ; |
3.5 仅Windows适用的插件
Windows System:system commands: i.e. shutdown, sleep, lock, restart, empty trash, or adjust volume and brightness;