Filter organizations by domain
The organization class in the example below has two properties: an org_name of type String and an org_domain of type StaticList. The organization domain can have values like Software or Hardware, which will be used in the live table as filter options.
#set($columns = ["org_name", "org_domain"])
#set($columnsProperties = {
"org_name" : { "type" : "text" , "size" : 20, "link" : "view"},
"org_domain" : { "type" : "list", "class": "MySpace.OrganizationClass"}
#set($options = {
"translationPrefix" : "",
"rowCount": 10
#livetable("organization_directory" $columns $columnsProperties $options)
The content of MySpace.ListOrganizationJSON (using syntax 2.0):
{{include document="XWiki.LiveTableResultsMacros" /}}
#gridresultwithfilter("MySpace.OrganizationClass" $request.collist.split(",") "" " and doc.name<>'OrganizationSheet' and doc.name<>'OrganizationTemplate'")
{{include document="XWiki.LiveTableResultsMacros" /}}
#gridresultwithfilter("XWiki.DanJuSummaryClass" $request.collist.split(",") " ,StringProperty as sp" " and sp.name='version' and sp.value='V7.0' and obj.id=sp.id")
SringProperty 是XWIKI中的所有字符串属性存储实体,最后一个条件obj.id=sp.id很重要,相当于SQL中的关联条件,没有这个条件过滤逻辑是不正确的,则结果也不正确。