打开/var/lib/shim/conf ,变更为你的选择即可,如下为例:
然后重启shim即可:/etc/init.d/shimsvc restart
If an option is missing from the config file, the default value will be used. The options are:
auth A PAM authentication method (limited to 'login' for now).
ports A comma-delimited list of HTTP listening ports. Append the lowercase letter 's' to indicate SSL encryption.
scidbport The local port to talk to SciDB on.
user The user that the shim service runs under. Shim can run as a non-root user, but then SSL authenticated port logins are limited to the user that shim is running under.
tmp Temporary I/O directory used on the server.
max_sessions Maximum number of concurrent HTTP sessions.
timeout Timeout after which an inactive HTTP session may be declared dead and reclaimed for use elsewhere.
instance Which SciDB instance should save data to files or pipes? This instance must have write permission to the tmpdirectory.