
Qt新建项目No valid kits found解决思路

发布时间:2016-11-04 10:02:00来源:linux网站作者:arackethis
第一次用Qt Creator创建Project时,进入Kit Selection窗口后,会提示No Valid kits found. Please add a kit in the options or via the maintenance tool of the SDK.错误。
需要设置Qt SDK,Device type等的路径给Qt Creator。假设已装Qt SDK。解决方法:点击蓝色options链接,或自己打开“Tools->Options->Build & Run->Kits”进入设置:
At least fill in the device type, device (most likely desktop) as well as the tool chain and debugger. For qmake-based projects you will also need a qt version and mkspec (which can be empty if you are ok with the default one).
You might need to define Qt versions and tool chains first (other tabs on the same options page).
Creator needs this information to know how to parse your compile output and debug the results.
配置你自己安装的Qt SDK的qmake路径到Qt versions里面。配置成功的应该类似这样:
Qt新建项目No valid kits found解决思路