1、Ubuntu Make
Ubuntu Make前身是Ubuntu Developer Tools Center. 可在Ubuntu平台上快速安装各种语言的开发环境.
这个工具是从14.10开始有的, 不过刚开始叫Ubuntu Developer Tools Centre. 到15.04中就改名叫Ubuntu Make了
Ubuntu Make是一款命令行工具, 支持Ubuntu 15.10、15.04以及14.04 LTS.
2、安装Ubuntu Make
安装该工具, 只需要在终端应用依次执行下面的命令即可:
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ubuntu-desktop/ubuntu-make
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y ubuntu-make
新版的umake版本为16.09, 增加了对苹果开源Swift语言开发环境的支持, 你可以在Ubuntu系统中使用umake swift命令快速搭建Swift编程语言开发学习环境, 这一功能由开发者Galileo Sartor实现. 除此之外,新版本还实现了对Eclipse PHP以及Eclipse C/C++集成开发环境部署的支持
Ubuntu-Make Wiki(https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-make)
Ubuntu-Make GitHub(https://github.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-make)
3、使用Ubuntu Make
可以使用umake --help查看系统帮助
usage: umake [--help] [-v] [-r] [--version]
Deploy and setup developers environment easily on ubuntu
positional arguments:
Developer environment
games Games Development Environment
swift Swift language
kotlin The Kotlin Programming Language
web Web Developer Environment
android Android Development Environment
dart Dartlang Development Environment
ide Generic IDEs
nodejs Nodejs stable
go Go language
scala The Scala Programming Language
rust Rust language
optional arguments:
--help Show this help
-v, --verbose Increase output verbosity (2 levels)
-r, --remove Remove specified framework if installed
--version Print version and exit
Note that you can also configure different debug logging behavior using
LOG_CFG that points to a log yaml profile.
* Command 'games':
usage: umake games [-h] {superpowers,unity3d,stencyl,twine} ...
positional arguments:
superpowers The HTML5 2D+3D game maker
unity3d Unity 3D Editor Linux experimental support
stencyl Stencyl game developer IDE
twine Twine tool for creating interactive and nonlinear stories
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
* Command 'swift':
usage: umake swift [-h] {swift-lang} ...
positional arguments:
swift-lang Swift compiler (default)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
* Command 'kotlin':
usage: umake kotlin [-h] {kotlin-lang} ...
positional arguments:
kotlin-lang Kotlin language standalone compiler
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
* Command 'web':
usage: umake web [-h] {firefox-dev,visual-studio-code} ...
positional arguments:
firefox-dev Firefox Developer Edition
visual-studio-code Visual Studio focused on modern web and cloud
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
* Command 'android':
usage: umake android [-h] {android-ndk,android-sdk,android-studio} ...
positional arguments:
android-ndk Android NDK
android-sdk Android SDK
android-studio Android Studio (default)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
* Command 'dart':
usage: umake dart [-h] {dart-sdk} ...
positional arguments:
dart-sdk Dart SDK (default)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
* Command 'ide':
usage: umake ide [-h]
positional arguments:
webstorm Complex client-side and server-side javascript IDE
atom The hackable text editor
arduino The Arduino Software Distribution
idea IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition
datagrip DataGrip SQL and databases IDE
PyCharm Educational Edition
eclipse-cpp Eclipse C/C++ IDE
PyCharm Professional Edition
sublime-text Sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose
visual-studio-code Visual Studio focused on modern web and cloud
phpstorm PHP and web development IDE
eclipse Eclipse Java IDE
lighttable LightTable code editor
idea-ultimate IntelliJ IDEA
eclipse-jee Eclipse JEE IDE
rubymine Ruby on Rails IDE
eclipse-php Eclipse PHP IDE
clion CLion integrated C/C++ IDE
netbeans Netbeans IDE
pycharm PyCharm Community Edition
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
* Command 'nodejs':
usage: umake nodejs [-h] {nodejs-lang} ...
positional arguments:
nodejs-lang Nodejs stable
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
* Command 'go':
usage: umake go [-h] {go-lang} ...
positional arguments:
go-lang Google compiler (default)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
* Command 'scala':
usage: umake scala [-h] {scala-lang} ...
positional arguments:
scala-lang Scala compiler and interpreter (default)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
* Command 'rust':
usage: umake rust [-h] {rust-lang} ...
positional arguments:
rust-lang The official Rust distribution
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
positional arguments:
Developer environment | description |
games | Games Development Environment |
swift | Swift language |
kotlin | The Kotlin Programming Language |
web | Web Developer Environment |
android | Android Development Environment |
dart | Dartlang Development Environment |
ide | Generic IDEs |
nodejs | Nodejs stable |
go | Go language |
scala | The Scala Programming Language |
rust | Rust language |