
Gradio-查找和收听互联网广播电台,附Ubuntu 16.04下安装方法

发布时间:2016-08-24 09:43:25来源:linux网站作者:Linux公社
Gradio是一个简单的GTK3无线音乐应用程序,让您在Ubuntu和Linux Mint桌面上查找和收听你的的互联网广播电台。 Gradio内置大量电台可以让您收听喜欢的BBC电台,爵士收音机,披头士乐队等等。
New dark mode (Not available on all gtk designs)
Now show playing song
New “Discover” feature
Improved grid view
Improved design
Improved MPRIS support
Search for stations
Add stations to your library
Vote for stations
Desktop integration
Seperate volume control
Connection information (Bitrate, channel-mode, etc..)
New sort options for the “Discover” view
Gradio 4.0.1版本做了哪些改进:
Show the menu button only on ubuntu unity
Completely redesigned “Discover” view
Many visual changes / improvements
Safe the window size / position and restore
Safe grid/list view
Bug 修复:
“desktop-file-validate” fails on desktop-file
grid/list button has now the correct size
Crash when loading too much stations logos
Crash on Linux Mint
Crash on KDE
Fixed crash on GTK 3.18 (like Ubuntu 16.04)
Ubuntu 16.04 及 Linux Mint 安装Gradio:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:haecker-felix/gradio-daily
sudo apt update
sudo apt install gradio
移除 Gradio:
sudo add-apt-repository -r ppa:haecker-felix/gradio-daily
sudo apt update
sudo apt remove gradio