1、在win下,虚拟机安装Ubuntu或者其他linux发行版的时候,安装完成之后,屏幕显示很小,看着很不习惯。上网了找了很多帖子,大部分都说要安装VMware tools。
安装VMware tools 很简单,菜单项VM-》安装VMtools,能安装肯定就OK了。但很多人估计会遇到VMware Tools installation cannot be started manually while the easy install is in progress.这个弹窗错误。
This error occurs when the virtual floppy with the autoinstall information required by Easy Install does not unmount properly.
To resolve this issue and unmount the virtual floppy:
Power off the virtual machine.
Go to VM > Settings
Select Floppy.
Select Use physical drive, and set the dropdown to Auto detect.This unmounts the virtual floppy from the virtual drive.
Power on the virtual machine and install VMware Tools.
If the same error persists when trying to install VMware Tools, delete and re-add the virtual floppy drive and the virtual CD/DVD drive.
To delete and re-add the drives:
Power off the virtual machine.
Go to VM > Settings
Select CD/DVD.
Make a note of the current settings for this device, then click Remove.
Click Add.
Select CD/DVD, and click Next.
Select the settings you noted previously (or you can set them later), and click Next > Finish.
Select Floppy.
Make a note of the current settings for this device, then click Remove.
Click Add.
Select Floppy, and click Next.
Select the settings you noted previously (or you can set them later), and click Next > Finish.
Power on the virtual machine and install VMware Tools.
3、上面那个问题解决之后,进入虚拟机里面安装的Ubuntu,在CD-ROM中就可以看到vmtools 的安装包vmware-tools-distrib.tar.gz
tar zxvf vmware-tools-distrib.tar.gz