一:ubuntu 14.04 安装Qt5.6.0
我的ubuntu是14.04, 一开始我选择的安装版本是在线安装,但是总是报错:
QSslSocket: cannot resolve SSLv2_client_method
二:Qt 5.6.0的exmaple “Musicplayer” can’t be compiled
在qt中打开这个demo的源码,config完后,三角形运行按钮仍然显灰,general message 报错:
Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: winextras
Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: winextras
If you want to compile your project for multiple platforms, you should definitely use them in a conditional manner. That’s because modules like winextras, x11extras, macextras and androidextras are only available for the specific OS. For example on Linux, qmake would give you errors when making a project that uses winextras.
Unless you want to only compile it just for the specific platform then there is no need to make it conditional. So it all depends on you and your use case.