
用ubuntu脚本安装kubernetes1.2.1报错roles[${ii}]: unbound var

发布时间:2016-04-11 14:58:41来源:linux网站作者:zczzsq

用ubuntu脚本安装kubernetes1.2.1报错:./../cluster/../cluster/ubuntu/util.sh: line 48: roles[${ii}]: unbound variable的解决方案。

报错的原因:是config-default.sh里面 $roles 变量从字符串转数组时候重名引起的赋值错误。

报错的解决方法:修改config-default.sh中第24行的内容(role=${roles:-"ai i i"}) 为(role="ai i i")


## Contains configuration values for the Ubuntu cluster 

# Define all your cluster nodes, MASTER node comes first" 
# And separated with blank space like <user_1@ip_1> <user_2@ip_2> <user_3@ip_3>  
export nodes=${nodes:-"vcap@ vcap@ vcap@"} 

# Define all your nodes role: a(master) or i(minion) or ai(both master and minion), must be the order same  
role=${roles:-"ai i i"} 
# If it practically impossible to set an array as an environment variable 
# from a script, so assume variable is a string then convert it to an array 
export roles=($role) 

# Define minion numbers 
export NUM_NODES=${NUM_NODES:-3} 
# define the IP range used for service cluster IPs. 


## Contains configuration values for the Ubuntu cluster 

# Define all your cluster nodes, MASTER node comes first" 
# And separated with blank space like <user_1@ip_1> <user_2@ip_2> <user_3@ip_3>  
export nodes=${nodes:-"vcap@ vcap@ vcap@"} 

# Define all your nodes role: a(master) or i(minion) or ai(both master and minion), must be the order same  
role="ai i i" 
# If it practically impossible to set an array as an environment variable 
# from a script, so assume variable is a string then convert it to an array 
export roles=($role) 

# Define minion numbers 
export NUM_NODES=${NUM_NODES:-3} 
# define the IP range used for service cluster IPs.
