1.yum install createrepo
3.执行命令 createrepo /home/centos64iso(yum包所在目录)
createrepo --update: Sometimes you have a lot of packages in your repsitory and regenerating the meta data for each package when only a few packages have been added or changed is just too time consuming. This is where --update comes in handy. You run createrepo just like you did before but you pass the --update flag to it. Like this:
createrepo --update </path/to/repo>
Now, createrepo will only update the items which have been changed, been added or been removed since the last time the meta data was generated.
Also mentioned in man createrepo
Fedora更新源(sohu yum源):http://www.linuxdiyf.com/linux/11638.html
RHEL5.x&RHEL6.x更换CentOS yum源:http://www.linuxdiyf.com/linux/8248.html