英语单词 红联
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pron.: [连接代词]无论;什么都;〈俚〉究竟…什么
adv.: 任何;不管什么;无所谓;每一
adj.: 任何…都;无论怎样…都;一点儿…也
网络: 无论什么;随便;任何方式


  • 任何;每一;任何事物;一切事物:

    any or every; anything or everything

  • (表示做什么或发生什么都没关系,因结果都一样)无论什么,不管什么:

    used when you are saying that it does not matter what sb does or what happens, because the result will be the same

  • (用于问句,表示惊讶或困惑)到底是什么,究竟是什么:

    used in questions to express surprise or confusion

  • (用于回应,表示不在乎或不感兴趣)或许吧,无所谓:

    used as a reply to tell sb that you do not care what happens or that you are not interested in what they are talking about

  • (表示不在乎,什么都可接受)什么都可以:

    used to say that you do not mind what you do, have, etc. and that anything is acceptable

  • 诸如此类;等等:

    or sth of a similar type

  • (警告某人绝不要做某事)无论如何:

    used to warn sb not to do sth under any circumstances

  • 一点儿都(不);丝毫(不);什么都(没有):

    not at all; not of any kind

  • 不管发生什么:

    used to say that it does not matter what sb does, or what happens, because the result will be the same


  • 不管怎么样

  • 〔用于否定句、疑问句中名词、代词之后〕任何…也,一点儿…也

  • 〔疑问形容词〕无论怎样…都

  • 〔关系形容词〕无论什么…都,任何…都

  • 〔关系代词〕什么都,…的都

  • 〔俚语〕〔强调时的疑问词〕究竟…什么

  • [连接代词]无论,不管


pron.anythingeverythingno matter whatallwhatsoevern.whatnotet ceteraall that jazzall thatadv.at all


  • "Maybe, " she said, "like my husband, I was one of those lucky people who could eat whatever she wanted and not gain weight. "


  • If you think your English is not good enough, you can use Chinese to ask questions or answer questions, whatever.


  • Just get out there, and whatever you"re doing, do it to the best of your ability.


  • Do we suppose that principle, whatever it may be in man, which has to do with justice and injustice, to be inferior to the body?


  • They may have the right to read whatever keystrokes you"ve entered, even if your emails were not entered on the company"s email system.


  • As long as you"re trying to be good, you can do whatever you want.


  • God has called us to follow Him in whatever place in life we are in.


  • But he told me once that in the unlikely event he were to leave for whatever reason, he would make me earn at least double.


  • Or accomplish whatever you want to do despite the moment not looking just as you would like it to.


  • Whatever the scientific merit of those studies, consumers are more wary of such products than they used to be.


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