英语单词 红联
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n.: 水;水域;河;海域
v.: 灌溉;给…浇水;充满眼泪;流口水
网络: 水分;水份;祸水


  • 水:

    a liquid without colour, smell or taste that falls as rain, is in lakes, rivers and seas, and is used for drinking, washing, etc.

  • 大片的水;水域;(尤指)江,河,湖,海:

    an area of water , especially a lake, river, sea or ocean

  • (某一江、河、湖、海的)水域:

    the water in a particular lake, river, sea or ocean

  • (一片)水面:

    the surface of a mass of water

  • (某个国家的)领海,海域:

    an area of sea or ocean belonging to a particular country

  • 不明朗(或未知的、困难、危险等)局面:

    used to describe a situation, usually one that is difficult, dangerous or not familiar

  • 乘船;由水路:

    using a boat or ship

  • 已成往事;往事云烟:

    used to say that sth happened in the past and is now forgotten or no longer important

  • 大量地:

    in large quantities

  • (论点、借口、理论等)站不住脚,不合情理:

    if an argument, an excuse, a theory, etc. does nothold water , you cannot believe it

  • 羊水破(即将分娩):

    when a pregnant woman"swaters break , the liquid in her womb passes out of her body just before the baby is born

  • (像)耳边风;水过鸭背:

    used to say that sth, especially criticism, has no effect on sb/sth

  • 给…浇水;灌溉:

    to pour water on plants, etc.

  • 充满眼泪:

    to become full of tears

  • 流口水:

    to produce saliva

  • 给…水喝;饮(动物):

    to give water to an animal to drink

  • 流经;给(某地)供水:

    to provide an area of land with water

  • 往(酒里)掺水;给…加水:

    to add water to an alcoholic drink


  • 水的

  • 【商业】名义增(资),发行(虚股);不增加资本而虚增(股额等)

  • 在(织物上)加波纹

  • 淌眼泪;垂涎;渴望

  • 流泪

  • 滋润

  • 在…中搀水,冲淡

  • 掺水

  • 注水于,灌水于;把…浸在水中;给浇水;灌溉

  • 给…水喝,给水

  • (动物)饮水;被供给水,加水

  • 【商业】(超过实际资产的)虚值;虚[清水]股

  • (织品的)波纹,光泽

  • 水色〔宝石的光泽透明度〕,品质

  • 水路

  • 水;雨水;露;矿泉,温泉;药水

  • 积水;洪水

  • 分泌液,体液〔如尿、汗、口水、泪等〕;(船的)漏水

  • 水深,水位,水面

  • 水体,水样

  • 水体;水域;水道;海;湖;河;海域;领海


  • 复数:waters

  • 过去分词:watered

  • 现在分词:watering


  • adj.+n.:

    fresh water,deep water,shallow water,salt water,clear water

  • v.+n.:

    drink water,pour water,draw water,pump water,water garden


v.soaksprayirrigatestreamrunadj.aquaticmarinesearivern.liquidrainwaterseawatermineral watertap water


  • Okay, what else goes in here? -And then we need to put in uhm, just some water, to make it a paste. -That"s it?


  • Maybe to some layman, as we always joked, we even do not know whether the liquid in eppendorf tube is merely water or not.


  • I dream of a complete water, gas up to the heart suddenly : How do you say that you and I have paid you a gold rings or I get to you?


  • Alley alley, is the last waltz, night fencing, cold water down in wine, window, this night, for you, drunk drunk.


  • The men who licked the water with their tongues would have to leave and the men who cupped their water would stay for the battle.


  • As the sea fox rises from the water, the diamond shark leaps out of the waves behind it and arrows down in a deadly arc.


  • In his blog, Dr Wadge said water and exercise were enough to help the body rid itself of harmful chemicals.


  • You thought that now have how much person at is a small bottle water but try very hard to.


  • A backpack filled with food, water and equipment needed for a week will weigh about twenty or twenty-five kilograms.


  • How much water is needed to take up a pound of salt?


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