英语单词 红联
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v.: 转向;转身;翻;转弯
n.: 转向;转变;转动;旋动
linkv.: 成为;超过(某一年龄或时间)
网络: 旋转;转牌;翻转


  • (使)转动,旋转:

    to move or make sth move around a central point

  • 转身;扭转(身体部位):

    to move your body or part of your body so as to face or start moving in a different direction

  • 翻转;翻动;把…翻过来:

    to move sth so that it is in a different position or facing a different direction

  • (使)改变方向;转弯:

    to change the direction you are moving or travelling in; to make sth change the direction it is moving in

  • 转向;转弯:

    to curve in a particular direction

  • 朝着;向…方向;对准:

    to aim or point sth in a particular direction

  • 开始涨(或落):

    to start to come in or go out

  • (使)松开,释放:

    to make or let sb/sth go into a particular place or state

  • 折起;翻转:

    to fold sth in a particular way

  • 表演(身体旋转动作):

    to perform a movement by moving your body in a circle

  • 翻,翻动(书页):

    if youturn a page of a book or magazine, you move it so that you can read the next page

  • (使)逆转:

    if a gameturns or sbturns it, it changes the way it is developing so that a different person or team starts to win

  • 作呕;恶心;使(胃)不适:

    when your stomachturns or sthturns your stomach, you feel as though you will vomit

  • (在车床上)车削:

    to shape sth on a lathe

  • 大多数含 turn 的习语,都可在该等习语中的名词及形容词相关词条找到,如 not turn a hair 在词条 hair 下。:

    Most idioms containingturn are at the entries for the nouns and adjectives in the idioms, for examplenot turn a hair is athair .

  • 正如后来表明的;果然如此;果不其然:

    as was shown or proved by later events

  • 穿着打扮得好(或不好等):

    to be well, badly, etc. dressed

  • (用以报告令人吃惊或不快的言行)竟会:

    used to report what sb says or does, when this is surprising or annoying

  • (使)变成,成为:

    to change into a particular state or condition; to make sth do this

  • 到达,超过(某一年龄或时间):

    to reach or pass a particular age or time

  • 转动;旋动:

    an act of turning sb/sth around

  • (车辆的)转弯,转向:

    a change in direction in a vehicle

  • 岔路口;拐弯处;转弯处:

    a place where a road leads away from the one you are travelling on

  • (道路的)弯道,转弯处:

    a bend or corner in a road

  • (依次轮到的)机会:

    the time when sb in a group of people should or is allowed to do sth

  • (异乎寻常或意外的)变化,转变:

    an unusual or unexpected change in what is happening

  • 短小节目:

    a short performance or piece of entertainment such as a song, etc.

  • 散步;转一圈:

    a short walk

  • (疾病的)一阵发作;不适感:

    a feeling of illness

  • 处处;事事;每次:

    everywhere or every time you try and do sth

  • (为某人做)好事,善事;(做)有助于某人的事:

    (to do) sth that helps sb

  • 烹调得恰到火候:

    cooked for exactly the right amount of time

  • 使大吃一惊;吓某人一跳:

    to frighten or shock sb

  • 依次;轮流;逐个:

    one after the other in a particular order

  • 相应地;转而:

    as a result of sth in a series of events

  • 善须善报;要以德报德;好人应得好报:

    you should help sb who has helped you

  • 即将变化:

    going to change soon

  • 说话出格(或冒失、鲁莽、不合时宜):

    to say sth that you should not because it is the wrong situation or because it offends sb

  • 依次;轮流:

    if peopletake turns ortake it in turns to do sth, they do it one after the other to make sure it is done fairly

  • 世纪之交;新年伊始;辞旧迎新之际:

    the time when a new century/year starts

  • 思维方式;思想方法:

    a particular way of thinking about things

  • 措辞;表达方式;描述方式:

    a particular way of describing sth

  • 雪上加霜:

    an extra amount of pressure, cruelty , etc. added to a situation that is already difficult to bear or understand

  • 突然加速;加快进度;突然加快的能力:

    a sudden increase in your speed or rate of progress; the ability to suddenly increase your speed


  • 转过去,绕过去;【军事】迂回(敌人侧面)

  • 翻转过来做(衣服等);翻(书页);折(边等);弄卷(刀口);挖翻(土地);倒转,翻倒,倒置,颠倒;【印刷】倒植

  • (镟床工艺)被镟,做成

  • 转过身来做出反应;反抗

  • 转,旋转;打滚,折腾,翻腾;翻倒

  • 使变化,改变;使变成(…的状态);(货币的)兑换;翻译;使变质,使变坏;使(脑子)错乱;使恶心

  • 转,转动,旋转,使转弯;移动,拨动,触动

  • 变;改变;(形势)倒转;变成…,变质;转(业);(头)晕;发恶心,想呕

  • 转向;回头;转弯;弯曲;(刀刃)卷口;倾斜;注意

  • 转向,朝向,指向;〔比喻〕集中(注意、努力等);用于,抵充(用途),利用;改变路线

  • 旋转(运动);转身;(杠上运动的)小翻滚;(溜冰的)曲线转折;改变方向,调转方向;转向,转弯;【军事】迂回

  • 〔英国〕(杂技)演员

  • 说法,口吻

  • 形状,样子

  • 倾向,性情,癖性;气质;特殊才能

  • 一卷,一圈;线匝;圈数,匝数

  • 一个回合;走一圈,散步;(恶意或善意的)行为

  • 轮流,轮班

  • 弯曲;转角,转弯处,屈折部

  • 变化,变动;机会;转折点,关键


  • 第三人称单数:turns

  • 现在分词:turning

  • 过去分词:turned


  • adj.+n.:

    turn left

  • v.+n.:

    turn radio,turn head,turn page,turn ear,turn wheel


n.gorotationbenderrandridev.revolverotatechange directionbeardirect


  • Republicans can only hope the move pushes Iraq off the front page as they turn their attention to next year"s crucial elections .


  • Most of the gains in efficiency come from increasing the heat and pressure of the steam used to turn a plant"s turbines.


  • If so, then this fascinating and long-neglected phenomenon might turn out to be more than just a sexual curiosity.


  • At the end of that player"s next turn, that player returns those cards to his or her hand.


  • She was about to turn thirteen, and Hillary and I wanted to give her the chance to live out her teenage years as normally as possible.


  • Then he innocuously tried to turn with the ball and he felt a sharp pain.


  • But Harry Potter doesn"t need to turn to magic to have his heart stolen as he falls in love for the first time with the girl of his dreams.


  • "It"s turning a ship around before it hits the iceberg, but I think we"re beginning to turn it around, " Clinton said.


  • Wilson was visibly shaken by these attacks, but in the confusion of voices he did not know where to turn.


  • Our pick: when the brothers, in an attempt to escape the police, take a sharp turn and smash through aisles of merchandise in a toy store.


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