英语单词 红联
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n.: 列车;火车;列队行进的人(或动物);队列
v.: 训练;培训;教育;接受训练
网络: 培养;火车乐队;列车站台


  • 火车;列车:

    a railway/railroad engine pulling a number of coaches/cars or trucks, taking people and goods from one place to another

  • 列队行进的人(或动物);队列;行列:

    a number of people or animals moving in a line

  • 一系列相关的事情(或行动):

    a series of events or actions that are connected

  • 拖裾,裙裾(长礼服的曳地部分):

    the part of a long formal dress that spreads out on the floor behind the person wearing it

  • 带来…后果:

    to have sth as a result

  • 跟随…之后:

    following behind sb

  • 安排;准备;开始:

    to prepare or start sth

  • 思路;思绪:

    the connected series of thoughts that are in your head at a particular time

  • 训练;培训;接受训练:

    to teach a person or an animal the skills for a particular job or activity; to be taught in this way

  • 进行…训练;(尤指)进行体育锻炼;训练(人或动物):

    to prepare yourself/sb for a particular activity, especially a sport, by doing a lot of exercise; to prepare a person or an animal in this way

  • 教育;培养…的能力(或素质):

    to develop a natural ability or quality so that it improves

  • 使(植物)朝某方向生长;修整:

    to make a plant grow in a particular direction


  • 训练;培养,养成;锻炼(身体);【园艺】使向一定方向生长,整形,整枝

  • 〔罕用语〕拖,曳

  • 疏导

  • 使朝某一方向生长:

  • 〔古语〕引诱,吸引

  • 瞄准,对准(炮等)

  • 教育

  • 教养;训练:

  • 接受训练;练习;锻炼身体

  • 〔口语〕坐火车旅行;〔美俚〕交际,来往;〔美俚〕跳来跳去

  • 拖在后头的东西;衣裙;【军事】辎重队;后勤部队;(炮架的)架尾;彗星的尾;鸟尾;导火线;(重而长的)大雪橇

  • 【机械工程】(传动的)轮列,轮系;齿轮组

  • 次序;状态

  • 轧机组

  • 链,(思想等的)连续;一连串(事件);接着发生的事件,后事,结果

  • 轧机列

  • 序列

  • 系统,系列,波列,行列

  • 队伍;一行,排,列;系列;〔集合词〕随从,随员

  • 列车,火车


  • 复数:trains

  • 过去分词:trained

  • 现在分词:training


  • v.+n.:

    catch train,Miss train,take train,train leave,train staff

  • adj.+n.:

    express train,through train,slow train,direct train


n.PullmansleeperEurostarsequencechainv.teachcoacheducateexercisework out


  • In the gray dawn, I was ready to check out, but first I needed to retrieve my bags from the train station.


  • At least one French truffle hunter is trying to train a Vietnamese pot-bellied sow for practical reasons.


  • In the case of the traveller, this might be calling up a web page on which the train timetable is displayed.


  • If they didn"t want him to return, they were to do nothing, and he would remain on the train as it traveled onward.


  • The train stopped at last. For a second there was no sound. Then Nick heard people. They were calling for help.


  • Yet upon learning that he had thrown himself in front of a train a few hours after she escaped, she reportedly burst into tears.


  • But when the door frame was being taken away, one of the boys leaped onto the train, embraced the girl in his arms.


  • If I had not missed the train, I would have got home by now.


  • Nothing like a pair of big, dark sunglasses to cover up tired looking, hungover eyes, whilst you walk from the train station.


  • They said he put the first letters ofhidhis names- O and K- on each object peoplegivegave him to send on the train.


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