英语单词 红联
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v.: 跟踪;追踪;(尤指用特殊电子设备)跟踪;跟踪(进展情况)
n.: 轨道;车辙;小径;路线
网络: 磁道;轨迹;跑道


  • (人踩出的)小道,小径:

    a rough path or road, usually one that has not been built but that has been made by people walking there

  • (人、动物或车辆留下的)足迹,踪迹;车辙:

    marks left by a person, an animal or a moving vehicle

  • 轨道:

    rails that a train moves along

  • (火车站的)站台:

    a track with a number at a train station that a train arrives at or leaves from

  • (赛跑、赛车等的)跑道:

    a piece of ground with a special surface for people, cars, etc. to have races on

  • (移动的)路径,路线,方向:

    the path or direction that sb/sth is moving in

  • (唱片、录音磁带或光盘的)一首乐曲,一首歌曲:

    a piece of music or song on a record, tape or CD

  • (录音磁带、光盘或计算机磁盘的)音轨,声道:

    part of a tape, CD or computer disk that music or information can be recorded on

  • (幕帘的)滑轨,滑道:

    a pole or rail that a curtain moves along

  • (推土机等的)履带:

    a continuous belt of metal plates around the wheels of a large vehicle such as a bulldozer that allows it to move over the ground

  • 重新步入正确轨道;恢复正常:

    going in the right direction again after a mistake, failure, etc.

  • 步入正轨;做法对头:

    to be doing the right thing in order to achieve a particular result

  • 了解╱不了解…的动态;与…保持╱失去联系:

    to have/not have information about what is happening or where sb/sth is

  • 离去(尤指回家):

    to leave a place, especially to go home

  • 思路对头╱不对头;做法对路╱不对路:

    thinking or behaving in the right/wrong way

  • (使由于恐惧或吃惊)突然止步;(使)怔住:

    to suddenly make sb stop by frightening or surprising them; to suddenly stop because sth has frightened or surprised you

  • 跟踪;追踪:

    to find sb/sth by following the marks, signs, information, etc., that they have left behind them

  • (尤指用特殊电子设备)跟踪,追踪:

    to follow the movements of sb/sth, especially by using special electronic equipment

  • 跟踪(进展情况):

    to follow the progress or development of sb/sth

  • 跟踪摄影;移动摄影:

    to move in relation to the thing that is being filmed

  • 留下(脏)足迹:

    to leave dirty marks behind you as you walk


  • 流着

  • 用纤拉船

  • 拉纤行驶

  • 走过

  • 留下足迹

  • 辅轨

  • 让道

  • 追踪;留下行迹;铺设铁路[铁轨];(车)顺着一定线路走;(车轮)具有一定轮距;〔美口〕走小路,前进;(船)被拖着走

  • 跟踪追赶踏成(道路);践踏,踏脏,踏平(等);通过(荒漠);铺设铁路;顺着走(旧辙);探索拖(船)

  • 追循…的轨迹,追踪,跟踪

  • 小路,小径;【物理学】径迹;历程,路程;行程;行动路线;思路

  • 【运】跑道;径赛[田赛]运动;〔美国〕铁道路线,轨道;(录音磁带的)音轨;【机械工程】履带,环带;跨距;(两轮间的)轮距;【地质学;地理学】开合脉

  • 〔体〕田径

  • 〔物〕槽;径迹

  • 痕迹,线索,破绽

  • 轨迹,轮迹,航迹,痕迹;足迹

  • (阴谋等的)形迹,线索;跟踪目标;导向装置

  • 线路,道路,轨道,磁道;羊肠小路

  • 轨道;轨迹


  • 第三人称单数:tracks

  • 现在分词:tracking

  • 过去式:tracked


  • v.+n.:

    keep track,lose track,track performance,track shipment,get track

  • adj.+n.:

    right track,track system,same track,wrong track,track vehicle


n.trailfootstepspathtracespoorv.followhunt downchasepursuestalk


  • But because such bit work is hard to track, he said, the bureau doesn"t have migration figures.


  • We"ve ended up with a simple set of tools that enable you to create physically convincing track intuitively and efficiently.


  • President Obama said the review shows that the United States and its partners are "on track" to reach their goals.


  • Make it a habit to do weekly or monthly review. Use numbers to help you track results.


  • The most practical home scanners used to be hand-held devices that the user could slowly track across the desired image, strip by strip.


  • This song means so much to me, that"s why we wanted it to be the first track on the album.


  • The message was the same: The companies" turnarounds remain on track following years of struggle and, for GM, bankruptcy.


  • The narrator, unable to stop himself, tries to track Ruiz-Tagle down, and sees signs of his activity over and over again.


  • Mr Yau explains how he tried a couple of high street banks in London, but "I had no track record and the concept was alien to them" .


  • On-time delivery is an excellent measure that is usually easy to track.


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