英语单词 红联
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adj.: 薄的;细的;瘦的;稀少的
v.: 使变淡;变稀疏;变稀少;(使)变稀薄
adv.: 薄薄地
n.: 细小部分
网络: 稀薄的;薄款皮衣


  • 薄的;细的:

    having a smaller distance between opposite sides or surfaces than other similar objects or than normal

  • 瘦的:

    not covered with much flesh

  • 稀少的;稀疏的:

    not growing closely together or in large amounts

  • 稀薄的;淡的:

    containing more liquid than is normal or expected

  • 能见度较高的;稀薄的:

    fairly easy to see through

  • 稀薄的;含氧少的:

    containing less oxygen than normal

  • 微弱的;尖细的;有气无力的:

    high and weak

  • 不真心实意的;冷淡的:

    not sincere or enthusiastic

  • 微弱的;暗淡的:

    not very bright

  • 质量差的;空乏的;拙劣的:

    of poor quality; lacking an important quality

  • 履薄冰;冒风险:

    to be taking a risk

  • 消失得无影无踪;不翼而飞;悄然而逝:

    to disappear suddenly in a mysterious way

  • 遇到许多麻烦;过得不顺:

    to have many problems or difficulties to deal with; to not be successful

  • 凭空;无中生有地:

    from nowhere or nothing, as if by magic

  • (不好的事物的)端倪,冰山一角:

    an event or action that is the beginning of sth more serious and/or unpleasant

  • 头发稀疏;谢顶:

    without much hair on the head

  • 脸皮薄;顾及脸面:

    the lack of ability to accept criticism, insults, etc. without becoming upset

  • 薄薄地:

    in a way that produces a thin piece or layer of sth

  • (掺水等)使稀薄,使变淡:

    to make a liquid less thick or strong by adding water or another substance

  • 变稀疏;变稀少:

    to become less thick

  • (使)变稀薄,变稀疏,变少:

    to become less thick or fewer in number; to make sth less thick or fewer, for example by removing some things or people


  • 支点又小又少

  • 稀释

  • 薄处

  • 细小部分,稀薄部分

  • 【摄影】(照片、底版)衬度弱的

  • 薄的; 瘦的; 细小的;【印刷】细体的

  • 显而易见的,易看破的

  • 〔美俚〕将要垮掉的,守不住的

  • 〔美俚〕无聊的,不舒服的,不愉快的

  • 〔美口〕手头缺钱;简陋的,微少的(供给等)

  • 稀少的,稀疏的

  • 细细的,纤细的,苗条的,细的

  • 瘦削(的),瘦弱的,清瘦的;纤瘦(的);憔悴(的)

  • 稀薄的,淡薄的(液体、气体等); 浅薄的,空洞的,没有什么内容的,不充实的

  • 使薄,使细,使稀薄,使淡,使稀疏;【农业】间苗;使瘦

  • 〔林〕间伐,疏伐

  • 脱落

  • 使减少;减弱

  • 弄淡

  • 散开,稀

  • 使消瘦

  • 变得稀薄或稀少:

  • 变薄;变细;变稀薄;变淡;变稀疏;变瘦

  • 〔诗〕稀薄,淡,细,疏,稀疏,微


  • 比较级:thinner

  • 最高级:thinnest

  • 过去分词:thinned

  • 现在分词:thinning

  • 第三人称单数:thins


  • adj.+n.:

    thin layer,thin ice,thin sheet,thin tube,thin face


v.water downdilutethin outweakendisperseadj.narrowskinnysheerwateryreedy




  • You can thin the top out a little, but just a little.


  • The most up-to-date green lawn thick, uniform even start to shop for a layer of earth covered with a thin blanket of spring.


  • Horizontal well production was one of effective means for improving production output in thin sandstone reservoirs.


  • The killers threw him into a ditch and covered his body with a thin layer of soil in an attempt to hide the body.


  • Psychologists will tell you that this is only possible when you "think thin. "


  • the thickness of the surface clay loam layer is thin, and the sandy layer is thick with larger penetration and a bottom aquitard layer.


  • a heavy snow was falling - a fine picking , whipping snow , borne forward by a swift wind in long , thin lines.


  • He was a man of forty, thin, with a pinched face, precise and rather pedantic.


  • See the thin, perhaps, and their children, sisters of similar age Xing-ice, the heart of passengers seems to have some mixed feelings.


  • In the large bed was a boy, who looked tired and cross, with a thin, white, tearful face. He stared at Mary.


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