英语单词 红联
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n.: (不停机一次连续拍摄的)场景;收入额;进项;看法
v.: take(拿、占有)的过去分词
网络: 飓风营救;劫持;即刻救援


  • 携带;拿走;取走;运走:

    to carry or move sth from one place to another

  • 带去;引领:

    to go with sb from one place to another, especially to guide or lead them

  • 使达到,把…推向,把…带到(另一个层次、层面等):

    to make sb/sth go from one level, situation, etc. to another

  • 拿;抱;握;取;接:

    to put your hands or arms around sb/sth and hold them/it; to reach for sb/sth and hold them/it

  • 拿开;取出;挪开:

    to remove sth/sb from a place or a person

  • 擅自拿走;偷走;误拿:

    to remove sth without permission or by mistake

  • 从…中取出;取材于:

    to get sth from a particular source

  • 夺取;攻占;抓获;控制:

    to capture a place or person; to get control of sth

  • 选中;买下;租用:

    to choose, buy or rent sth

  • 经常购买(某报纸或期刊):

    to buy a newspaper or magazine regularly

  • 吃;喝;服(药):

    to eat, drink, etc. sth

  • 减去:

    to reduce one number by the value of another

  • 记录;摘录;记下:

    to find out and record sth; to write sth down

  • 拍照;照相;摄影:

    to photograph sb/sth

  • 量取;测定:

    to test or measure sth

  • 就(座);占据(座位):

    to sit down in or use a chair, etc.

  • 以…为例;将…作为例证:

    used to introduce sb/sth as an example

  • 接受;收到:

    to accept or receive sth

  • 接纳;接待(顾客、患者等):

    to accept sb as a customer, patient, etc.

  • 遭受;经受;承受:

    to experience or be affected by sth

  • 忍受;容忍;承受:

    to be able to bear sth

  • (以某种方式)对待,处理:

    to react to sth/sb in a particular way

  • 领会;理解;考虑:

    to understand or consider sth in a particular way

  • (尤指错误地)以为,把…看作;误认为:

    to consider sb/sth to be sb/sth, especially when you are wrong

  • 产生(感觉);持有(看法);采取(态度):

    to have a particular feeling, opinion or attitude

  • 采取(措施);采用(方法):

    to use a particular course of action in order to deal with or achieve sth

  • (与名词连用,表示举动、动作等):

    used with nouns to say that sb is doing sth, performing an action, etc.

  • 采用(形式);就任(职位);出现(状况):

    to have a particular form, position or state

  • 需要…时间;费时:

    to need or require a particular amount of time

  • 需要;要求:

    to need or require sth in order to happen or be done

  • 使用;用:

    to use sth in order to work

  • 穿用(…尺码的鞋或衣服):

    to wear a particular size in shoes or clothes

  • 容纳;装;盛:

    to have enough space for sth/sb; to be able to hold or contain a particular quantity

  • 授(课);主持(宗教仪式):

    to be the teacher or leader in a class or a religious service

  • 学习,读,修(课程):

    to study a subject at school, college, etc.

  • 参加(考试或测验):

    to do an exam or a test

  • 乘坐,搭乘(交通工具);取(道);走(路线):

    to use a form of transport, a road, a path, etc. to go to a place

  • 跨过;跳过;绕过:

    to go over or around sth

  • 踢;掷:

    to kick or throw the ball from a fixed or agreed position

  • 付诸(表决);举行(投票);进行(调查):

    to use a particular method to find out people"s opinions

  • 成功;起作用;行得通:

    to be successful; to work

  • (用于句子或其他结构中时)有,需要:

    to have or require sth when used in a sentence or other structure

  • 大多数含 take 的习语,都可在该等习语中的名词及形容词相关词条找到,如 take the biscuit 在词条 biscuit 下。:

    Most idioms containingtake are at the entries for the nouns and adjectives in the idioms, for exampletake the biscuit is atbiscuit .

  • (用以表示不相信某人会在公共场合行为得体)到哪儿都拿不出去:

    used to say that you cannot trust sb to behave well in public

  • 具备(成功)所需要的一切条件(或素质、能力等):

    to have the qualities, ability, etc. needed to be successful

  • 安于现状;顺其自然:

    to accept sth/sb without wishing it/them to be different or without thinking about it/them very much in advance

  • 假定;假设;设想;以为:

    to suppose; to assume

  • 我敢担保;我说的肯定没错:

    used to emphasize that what you are going to say is the truth

  • 擅自作主;自作主张:

    to decide to do sth without asking permission or advice

  • 要就要,不要就拉倒;取舍请便:

    used to say that you do not care if sb accepts or rejects your offer

  • 可有可无;无所谓;无偏好:

    used to say that sb does not have a strong opinion about sth

  • 使精疲力竭;使心力交瘁:

    to make sb physically or mentally tired

  • 费力;费时;难办;难做:

    to need a lot of effort or time; to be very difficult to do

  • (打人时说)看打,接招:

    used as an exclamation when you are hitting sb or attacking them in some other way

  • (不停机一次连续拍摄的)场景,镜头:

    a scene or part of a film/movie that is filmed at one time without stopping the camera

  • 收入额;进项:

    an amount of money that sb receives, especially the money that is earned by a business during a particular period of time

  • 看法;意见:

    the particular opinion or idea that sb has about sth

  • 受贿;贪赃枉法:

    to accept money from sb for helping them in a dishonest or illegal way


  • take(拿、占有)的过去分词


  • 单数:take

  • 复数:takes

  • 现在分词:taking

  • 过去式:took


  • v.+n.:

    take care,take time,take place,take part,take action

  • adv.+v.:

    take out,probably take,hard take,apparently take,personally take






  • Recognize your needs are just as important as everyone else"s and that it"s up to you to make sure that they are taken care of.


  • Taken as a trend, they amount to a dangerous erosion of the system of multilateral trade on which global prosperity depends.


  • But even he might have been taken aback by the recipe concocted by Peter Ferlow.


  • The paper claims police wanted to put the dog into quarantine, fearing it had been taken abroad and back without jabs.


  • The German also said he is disappointed that politics have all but taken over the media coverage of formula one.


  • The first few times, Jesse"s father had taken the hoe from her hands, led her back to her house, but she"d soon be back in the field.


  • We were taken to the Chickasha jail, over my repeated protests that I was just a hitchhiker.


  • She was his guest, she came, and having taken her to some scenery that he considered romantic he pressed her little hand between his own.


  • "Dhs3, 000, sir, " he says, shaking his head as though I"ve already taken him for a ride.


  • Right now, Brother Sharp has been taken back home by his mother. We need bless him with our heart. because he is a good man.


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