英语单词 红联
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v.: 支持;支护;支撑;支援
n.: 支持;支护;支撑;支承
网络: 技术支持;支架;支持度


  • 支持;拥护;鼓励:

    to help or encourage sb/sth by saying or showing that you agree with them/it

  • 帮助;援助:

    to give or be ready to give help to sb if they need it

  • 资助;赞助:

    to help or encourage sth to be successful by giving it money

  • 养活;赡养;扶养;维持:

    to provide everything necessary, especially money, so that sb/sth can live or exist

  • 支撑;支承;支护:

    to hold sb/sth in position; to prevent sb/sth from falling

  • 证实;提供依据:

    to help to show that sth is true

  • 支持;喜爱:

    to like a particular sports team, watch their games, etc.

  • (在流行或摇滚音乐会上)当助演,担任演出嘉宾:

    to perform in a pop or rock concert before the main performer

  • 支持;支援:

    to allow a particular program, language or device to be used with it

  • 支持;拥护;鼓励;资助:

    encouragement and help that you give to sb/sth because you approve of them and want them to be successful

  • 帮助;救助;援助:

    sympathy and help that you give to sb who is in a difficult or unhappy situation

  • 支撑物;支承;支柱;支座:

    a thing that holds sth and prevents it from falling

  • 支撑;支承;支护:

    the act of holding sth firmly in position or preventing it from falling

  • (身体部位的)支持器,托:

    something you wear to hold an injured or weak part of your body firmly in position

  • 证据;依据:

    evidence that helps to show that sth is true or correct

  • 助演嘉宾:

    a band or singer who performs in a pop or rock concert before the main performer

  • (公司向客户提供的)技术支持:

    technical help that a company gives to customers using their computers or other products


  • 【戏剧】扮演(角色);配,为…担任配角;【音乐】为…伴奏

  • 鼓舞,激励

  • 忍受,忍耐

  • 证明,证实

  • 援助;拥护,赞助

  • 赞成,拥护,维护

  • 扶养,赡养(家属);资助,维持

  • 支撑,扶着,扶持;承担,承载

  • 支持,维持,保持

  • 支承,支撑;支持;支援,维护

  • 【军事】支援部队,预备队;【音乐】伴奏(部);【戏剧】助演(者),配角

  • 呼声

  • 同情,关心

  • 佐证,根据

  • 费用

  • 抚养,赡养;生计,活计,衣食;赡养费

  • 扶助,援助;鼓励;拥护;赞成,赞助

  • 支柱,支座,支架,支点,支撑处

  • 支持,维持;支持者;支柱,支座,撑体;桁架

  • 支撑,支承;支持,维持;帮助,赞助,辅助


  • 第三人称单数:supports

  • 现在分词:supporting

  • 过去式:supported


  • v.+n.:

    provide support,support family,give support,support development,get support

  • adj.+n.:

    strong support,broad support,moral support,little support,continuous support

  • adv.+v.:

    strongly support,vigorously support






  • The Featured Documents page for each product can be reached from the front page of the IBM Support Web site for that product.


  • These people are usually excited to hear from you and will remind you of how much they appreciate your support.


  • Analysts say Democrats may have to agree to at least a few controversial cuts to muster needed Republican support for a final deal.


  • Tragically, her mother and father died in a car crash when Twain was 21, forcing her to put aside music to support her younger siblings.


  • "As Iraq enters this new phase in its history, the United States vows its continued support, " she said.


  • "I think the corner office needs to market internally what is approach, what is the company"s culture, how do they support that, " she said.


  • He was one of the few Belgians able to gather support from the fractious French and Dutch language groups in the country.


  • Finally, we weren"t sure how much memory or disk was needed to support the IBC site.


  • He twined himself up to her, as she half knelt by the settle, and converted her shoulder into a support.


  • But a report a few months ago indicated that Google may have decided not to include multi-touch support in Android at the behest of Apple.


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